After a long argument with his parents, a man in his late twenties finally gets to leave home to take care of himself. He has lived a life of disrespect towards him from others, and is haunted by memories of how bad people have treated him throughout school and other social places. He moves to a small living space in a New Yorkish city. Despite fearing being around other people, he takes a job as a bicycle taxi, wheeling people with his own two feet around to dictated destinations. Some passengers are unkind, some just don't care. The man has almost lost his own respect for the world, when one day, his passenger is a strange older man with ratty long hair, a gold tooth, and sunglasses. He's possibly a homeless guy. The older man has no money to pay the lead character, but instead gives him a rock saying it's much more valuable and runs. The man on the bike suspects the older man of being high on something, but the rock is actually nice looking, so he decides to keep it. Later that night, the man is ganged up on by teenagers, shouting rude comments at him. He desperately wishes for them to leave, and they fall over unconscious. The next morning, a news report explains that the boys are dead. The man thinks nothing of it, but other strange events happen. He is flocked by potential customers on the sidewalk, he wins a lotto scratch off, his old bullies wind up dead, and a girl starts to like him. Things are looking up for him. Eventually, he finds out that the rock given to him is the cause of this changes in life. Knowing this, he wishes to be ruler of a loveless world, where everyone goes through the pain he did growing up. Suddenly the old homeless man shows up at his door saying that he is abusing the power given to him. The old man then reveals himself to be a demon in disguise and steals the young mans soul, but his wish for the world to feel his pain goes through. Nothing remains the same after that.
I hope to make this story in comic form one day.