Why are these people like this
What is it I miss
I just don't know what to do
I just want to get to know you
You all think so differently
I know this all inherently
Why are things so easy for another
Why do I even bother
Life is like a long slog
I don't know why I continue on
Because it's the same old song
How about creating my own blog
Where, where, is the justice in this world
Why do some people have it so simple
I'll just pop my pimiples
My head again just swirled
Understanding the intricacies of the universe
Creating a song verse by verse
Yet I don't even know what love is
So much in life I miss
People in life just don't understand
Can someone give me a hand
I struggle and struggle and struggle
But no one around here for me to snuggle
No love for Matthew
No love for Matthew
No love, no love for Matthew
No love for Maaaaatthew
I just can't feel love
Not even from heaven above
I wish I could experiece this emotion
I know, it does not exist, this potion
No love, no love, no love for Matthew
No love, no love, no love for Matthew
No love, no love, no love for Matthew
No love, no love, no love for Maaaaaattheeeeewwwwwww