I listen to music when I am driving as a mental cue to help me remember to stay focused. Otherwise, I will space out. I have driven a couple of miles and then realized I was at my destination and remembered nothing about the trip. I've also spaced out while driving and ended up with the side of the car rubbing against the guardrail, which was scary. So now I only drive with rock music playing to help me not space out. And if I'm taking a longer trip I have to stop every twenty minutes to allow myself to space out a little bit while parked or else I'll do it while driving, whether I have music or not.
At home I will sometimes listen to an album but I can't have music for background because I don't multi-task well so I'm either listening to the music and not doing anything else or I'm trying to do something else and getting really frustrated because the music keeps distracting me from what I'm doing. I also cannot function with the television on as "background noise" for the same reason. I hate when I go to visit someone and the TV is on and no one is watching it but they won't turn it off.
I find music played in stores VERY distracting. I purposely go to the grocery store that doesn't play music because when I go to the store that does play music I keep ending up standing in the middle of the store, disoriented and confused about what I was planning to do next. So it takes me FOREVER to shop in a store that plays music. Often I will be distracted by music in a store or restaurant and if I am with someone and say something to them about it they say they can't even hear the music. So I think part of it is the curse of hyperacuity (having oversensitive hearing.)
"In the end, we decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it."
-- Randy K. Milholland
Avatar=WWI propaganda poster promoting victory gardens.