Sort of making your own rock opera by interpreting songs and then playing them in a certain order to form a coherent story? It's hard to explain. For example, earlier I listened to these in this order:
Panic! At The Disco - "Build God, Then We'll Talk"
Adam Lambert - "For Your Entertainment"
Fall Out Boy - "Thnks fr th Mmrs"
In this example, the first song sets the setting - a "substandard hotel" that is then described as being seedy at best. The second song is told from the point of view of a male character, perhaps a male prostitute, who describes his penchant and prowess for sadomasochism. The third song brings the story full circle, told from the point of view of the person who arranged the homoerotic rendez-vous with the sadomasochist and explaining his mixed feelings - lust, regret, satisfaction - about having had the fling.
Does anyone else do this with their music?