irene wrote:
Wasn't Tarzan abandoned in the jungle at a very young age, no more than 5, and then was adopted by apes? From what I know about the story Tarzan didn't much contact with humans maybe none at all. Wouldn't that make Jane the first one he is encounters? Just checked the bio for him on the Internet. He was adopted by gorillas and Jane was his first contact with a fellow human which didn't occur until he was an adult.
I don't think he was/is an Aspie. He just didn't have the 'benefit' of being surrounded by other members of his species. I just wonder if the gorillas taught him their philosphy on life. How well did he communicate with them?
You are correct about him being a feral child and this may the reason as to the way he is (although for a feral child he picks up a lot of the human ways very quickly)
It may be possible that Gorillas (although they are strangely not refered to as such in the books, we are told that they are of a species of Ape "Unknown to science" although they are most likely gorillas ala in the Disney film, which is remarkably faithful to the first book) have AS!?!
Which is cool as they are my fave animals.
As for your question he was able to speak their lingo, and thus knew about their philosophy of life.
You are mistaken to think that Jane Porter (who is an American in the books, from the deep south no less!) was his 'first' contact with another human (that he could remember) as if I remember correctly from reading 'Tarzan of the Apes' he battled African tribesmen although if you are talking about inter-mate relations then you would be correct on this matter.