I love it.
Her music isn't deep, never has been and doesn't need to be given it's genre - but Judas is deep in its own way, catchy enough that it should do better than Born This Way, it's more her style and what the fans expect from her.
I don't think it's just about provoking attention, the lyrics work for her based on her upbringing and love life. If she's been raised with this sort of imagery and these ideas then she'll naturally play around with them and see her own life experiences in connection with what she knows, then use these as a basis for lyrics - she's not the first one to do this. The lyrics sound like she's talking about a lover who has done her wrong, but she still loves him and forgives him for his wrongs - she's talking about forgiveness of someone who has done her wrong, and likening it to Judas. Although liking herself to Mary Magdalene in the video is more of an issue as she implies romantic relationships between Mary Magdalene and Jesus as well as Judas, also in the bridge she is talking about Mary Magdalene as a prostitute, an idea which has been debunked and Mary Magdalene accepted as a saint and important figure in Christianity, so that's the one part of the song/video maybe meant to provoke a response...but maybe that's her point.
In the US this was always going to get attention, I can't imagine anyone here in the UK getting their knickers in a bunch over a music video, least of all one which is not negative as far as I can see. Hell, if left alone this song/video may have been a benefit in teaching youth of today about Christianity and made it a whole lot more 'cool', I'm sure a lot more people are now going off to learn about Mary Magdalene and Judas as a result. With all these fundamentalists creating a fuss over nothing they're once again giving Christianity a bad name, it's these sort of reactions that put a lot of people off Christianity and religion in general.
Even if it is all about attention...that's the whole point of her act, it's a necessity for her to remain famous and as part of her social cometary. Yes she is doing similar to Madonna but in her own way, if she still gets a rise from these sort of video's then obviously there's still a reason for her to go there, I'd also say if we're going to liken her to anyone it has to be Michael Jackson - not for the music or artistry but her manipulation and use of media to make her famous.
The video for Judas is great, it's what I'd imagine The Passion Of The Christ would have looked like if Baz Luhrmann had directed, it's very beautiful and well done, she looks good in this one which is nice to see after the disturbing images of her in Born This Way video, plus she's rocking the cholo look again which is a look I love.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.