raisedbyignorance wrote:
Do you like any of those "how to write a book in 30 days" type of planners?
I basically know the plot of my story and most of the central characters. My biggest problem is when writing it out and having to write certain sentences or paragraphs to get from one situation to another. Any books on resolving that issue?
What other kinds of good books on writing do you like? Any good ones out there advising on science-fiction writing?
Most writing books are useless. Why? Because the author expects you to follow what worked for them. You are an individual; you may need to tweak what they've done, but they don't give you enough information to let you do that.
One writer, Holly Lisle, offers books that stand out. (I am not including a link; I am an affiliate, but if you google her name and find them yourself, I'll get nothing, so I have no motivation for this recommendation.) She explains the process she uses, and the reasons for that process. There is another set of books, available through Holly's bookstore, that is pretty helpful, as long as you don't get too hung up on the details. The Two Year Novel series by Lazette Gifford walks you through the process of creating a novel in two years. Not as flashy as 30 days - but much more likely to work out if you stick with it.
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Not all those who wander are lost.
In the country of the blind, the one eyed man - would be diagnosed with a psychological disorder