I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum. This is NOT meant as advertising or spam (I'm not selling anything).
I would like to share some of my videos with you.
This is "Dreamt a dream" ("drømte mig en drøm i nat"), Scandinavia's oldest written melody, written in the early 14th century in Skåne (which is now Sweden).
I orchestrated it into 4 voices and "3D-ized" some old pictures from the middle age/renaissance period:
And this is my own version of the famous french "wine-song", Tourdion. The footage is from Spøttrup Castle, Denmark and the 3D-castle was build by myself to show how the castle evolved:
And here we have parts of Copenhagen in 3D. It focus on the Copenhagen Castle as it looked like in the mid-16th century: