Just a question, has anyone heard of any new singers or bands - anywhere from rock and alternative to trip-hop, who can really authoritatively commands a tune? My instructor was driving back with me from a major seminar three hours away, we ended up listening to some Lebanese music that he had on cd and, honestly, he had a female vocalist who seemed to be really lighting it up in a way where, I could only describe her as a female Brad Nowell (the mood shifts in the tune, the eerie, dark, or profound she liked to insert around the angles, etc., probably throwing incredibly dark topics in at times with a similar type of playful sarcasm), the whole time I'm thinking "Damn, I really miss this in our music and, quite sadly, I don't think I've ever heard a US female vocalist roll that deep".
I guess I have to break this down because - I don't know how many of you will or won't get this, I think the way many people put together music in their minds is obviously different, I'll try to detail it as best I can in my own words to get the idea across but likely I'm speaking Greek or Latin to many of you (assuming you don't know those languages) but for those who do, holler please.
There've always been bands who've been able to really sink deep into subject matter, really drop a mood - hard. Not heavy metal necessarily, just music that was.... even poppy or theatrical, but had a real emotional punch in the stomach, had some Training Day or No Country For Old Men type of intensity in it, real hard and gritty vibes. You get me? I liked that a lot out of bands like Tool, like Alice In Chains, Skinny Puppy (well....at least on Last Rights...), Sublime, more recently Muse really nailed this on some of their albums. I can think of a few female vocalists who I've found to have this sort of strength but they were both brits - ie. Martina Topley Bird (MTB), at certain points particularly with Tricky, and Roya Arab when she was with Archive. Recently I kind of found this in Klaxon's newer stuff, Porcupine Tree seems good for it in certain ways but - I think I've tapped these guys out.
So, for anyone who kind of follows what I'm saying, who rolls deep these days? Is there anyone you think I'd want to look into?
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.