For three years, I was a computer animation student at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, one of the premier CGI curricula in the United States (often considered on par with CalArt). While I was there, I received training using Maya (Version 7, to be specific). As far as modeling and animation, it's no wonder Maya is considered the industry standard by companies like Pixar and Dreamworks-- it's a very high-end program with a fairly intuitive interface, and if you know what you're doing, you can produce remarkable work with it. All the standard tools are there-- hierarchies, modeling (with NURBs, polygons and subdivisions), UVing, rigging, weight-painting, animation, plus hair, cloth, and particle effects. Sometimes, admittedly, it can cause headaches, and it's very expensive-- but it's a very good program.
Mediocrity is a petty vice; aspiring to it is a grievous sin.