YAA I found a band that I like...a deaf band.

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25 Sep 2011, 9:32 pm

Hey everyone.

After much seraching, I found a band that I like...they use sign language and hard rock.
I love it...I can finally understand the lyrics. For those who dont know...I am mostly deaf. But they use sign language and plenty of drums, and gutar, bass gutar, and a singer who sings well for a deaf person, but also uses sign.

I have always wondered why I had no interest in most music...cause I cant hear the lyrics, now I can see them. :flower:
ohhh the name of the band??? "Bethoven;s nigtmare"
I think it is rather fitting cause he went deaf late in life and I doubt he would like hard rock.
The strong rhythm and deep sounds are great for a deaf person. Most people who are deaf can hear some low pitched sounds and all deaf people can feel rhythm. I love rhythmic music....80's are the best because of the great rhythm they had back then.
However car stereos with that boom boom bass stuff is too much for me...then it goes into autistic overload teritory. The rhythm of rap is overwhelming though...but I love R and B.
It is crazy how my ASD and my deafness blend together making a double whammy in trying to communicate with people and how I experience the world. I cant hear most high pitched sounds (for this I count as a blessing) but when they are loud enough for me to hear...I just go postal because they are so alien and so overwhelming to me.

anyway enough of that...I thought I would share that I found I can understand.


All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
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25 Sep 2011, 9:46 pm

Nice! I take ASL as a class at my college and my professor played a music video of a deaf hip-hop artist. He is totally deaf, so he doesn't do the vocals, but he is the one who writes the songs and the songs are written so the beat goes along with the pace of his signing. He's called SignMark. I love his song The Letter.

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25 Sep 2011, 10:46 pm

I think that's cool. Everybody should have a favourite band. 8)

The Family Enigma


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25 Sep 2011, 10:58 pm

musicislife wrote:
Nice! I take ASL as a class at my college and my professor played a music video of a deaf hip-hop artist. He is totally deaf, so he doesn't do the vocals, but he is the one who writes the songs and the songs are written so the beat goes along with the pace of his signing. He's called SignMark. I love his song The Letter.

I have to check him out.
There is this female deaf rock singer named TL...I really connected to her lyrics...she is very artsy too.

That is so cool that the music is designed to the tempo of the sign. cool.

I am glad you are taking ASL instead of SEE which is "signing exact english". Most signing classes to hearing folk teach SEE which is beyond me cause deaf people dont sign SEE, they call SEE, hearing sign. Go figure.
I remember I was asked to sign "love in every language" at a church event, so I did...and had the song in the background. Well I did it in ASL, but afterwards some lady came up to me and said...that was not real sign language...I am taking a sign class and I could not understand you. Well it turns out she was taking SEE which the signs are totally different. The only time deaf people use SEE is in an educational setting like school. Many teachers insist on ususing SEE because they believe that deaf people need to know english congregation, but SEE is very unpopular in the deaf world. If a deaf person signs in SEE, other deaf folks will say that person is using hearing sign, thus is not "deaf enough" which the deaf comunity is very exclusive...the only people they consider "deaf enough" are those who were deaf from an early age, and are severely or profoundly deaf. Many feel they dont fit in either world hearing or deaf. Thats one thing I like about WP is the full spectrum is included, I havent really heard of anyone being excluded for not being autistic enough.
but back to ASL
ASL is totally different than SEE because the verb congregation is different than english (as well as the signs). It actually has a french verb congregation which is what ASL is based off of. Imagine many deaf people speak in english congregation and sign in ASL congregation at the same time. I prefer not to speak when I sign because that is too tricky for me.
So how far along are you in your class??


All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin