Well, I keep putting videos up on youtube, but taking them down after about 30 mins, although I have one up at the moment, which I'm happy with, which is a cover. But the only reason I've kept it up over my originals is that I suppose I don't sound awful in it. And I got a good comment pretty quickly aswell, which made me feel good
If you wanna watch it to see what I mean, be my guest....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CvQHVae ... re=related
EDIT: Granted, the chorus sounds HORRIBLE, but oh well...
I feel horrible posting it on here, cause it feels like I'm trying to say 'hey look at me, look how awesome I am', but secretly inside I want everyone to watch it, which is obviously why I'm posting it. It's only had 4 views cause I'm terrified of putting it on my facebook for people I know to see it... but I might do it soon.
@starryeyedvoyager, I've thought about it, and I think I'd be ok with it. To be honest, I want to be able to perform in front of people, and I think the only way I'd be able to do that, is if I was forced to do it. At first obviously, cause it feels like something I would love to do. I mean, perform my music for people who love it, sounds awesome! And I don't think I'd have a problem making music, playing music, and everything 24/7, as I pretty much try to anyway. Obviously I'm being a bit ignorant, as I've never actually been in that sort of situation, but it seems like something I would like. And if an oppurtunity did arise to make a living from my music, I would insist on having it my own way, or I wouldn't do it.
I am a caged bird - - -