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12 Dec 2011, 3:06 pm

But I have a monotonous voice that can't seem to sing in pitch and sounds horribly flat. However at times, it sounds quite good, when I hit certain notes etc. So I'm wondering, if there's anyone else who has or had the same problem as what I do, and what I can do to fix it! I might get singing lessons, but they're so damn expensive!

All I wanna do is sing live for people, and for people to enjoy my music, so I really need this.

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12 Dec 2011, 3:22 pm

Well, you can perhaps try looking up singing tutorials online. Youtube might be a good place to start. Try searching for things like singing tutorial or vocal coach.
Or, since you said musician, maybe you could pick up an instrument. There are some cheap ones. Recorder, mouth harp, harmonica, ukulele, keyboard... You won't get a really good one for cheap, but you can get a cheap one for cheap, and that can be a good place to start.
Or you could be an electronic musician. There's free software out there. Milky Tracker, Jeskola Buzz, et.c...

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12 Dec 2011, 3:40 pm

I can't sing either! My voice is monotonous- and flat-sounding too, and can only sing songs that match my voice's natural pitch range. I've installed voice synth software on my PC though, and intend to learn how to use that instead for recording my own music.

I recall reading/being told that being able to sing in tune isn't necessarily something that comes naturally to everyone, but most people have the capacity to learn unless they're tone deaf. I'm fairly sure it's something that can be taught if you have the time and patience. Singing along to songs you already know will help 'train' you to control the pitch of your voice. I think it's a combination of getting an ear (hearing the notes accurately) and pitch control of your vocal cords (making the sounds at the right pitch).

I wouldn't advise against learning an instrument either. If you learn, say, piano/keyboard or a stringed instrument you can play it and sing/hum the notes...that way, you acquire a new hobby and help train your pitch at the same time.


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12 Dec 2011, 3:58 pm

Concretebadger wrote:
I can't sing either! My voice is monotonous- and flat-sounding too, and can only sing songs that match my voice's natural pitch range. I've installed voice synth software on my PC though, and intend to learn how to use that instead for recording my own music.

Why don't you just find a good singer to learn your songs just long enough to record them?

That said, if I'm writing choral music I like to just speak the words in rhythm through a vocoder. I also have something similar to auto-tune if I just want to check out what it might sound like with a female voice.

I think I sound pretty good as a girl. ;)

(I've always been a bass until recently when I discovered by accident I can comfortably sing G above middle C. I hate the sound of my own voice and am terribly self-conscious about it. Singing is just an unfortunate necessity for what I do.)


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12 Dec 2011, 5:05 pm

AngelRho wrote:
(I've always been a bass until recently when I discovered by accident I can comfortably sing G above middle C. I hate the sound of my own voice and am terribly self-conscious about it. Singing is just an unfortunate necessity for what I do.)

Nothing wrong with being a bass. I'm a baritone (of the slightly nasal variety), and I often wish I could go lower and deeper (because I also beatbox, and a bass voice would come in very handy in doing basslines).

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12 Dec 2011, 6:13 pm

Ah well I forgot to say I play the guitar also, so I record videos of myself singing covers and originals on my phone, and obviously that's when I hear the horrid flatness. I'm gonna look for singing tutorials online, if not, get singing lessons. And if there's really no hope for me, i'll give electronic music a go, cause i'm just as passionate about that.

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14 Dec 2011, 7:54 pm

I have this exact same problem too. Some notes sound fine when I sing them, other times I just seem so flat and off. I have been recording myself singing songs since the age of 17 and have noticed improvement just through practicing different types of songs. I'm actually a drummer so singing isn't all that important for me but recently in the last week or so, I've picked up my guitar and started writing a few songs and found that I sing better to just playing a guitar. I can find chords that fit my voice well. Best advice I could give would be to just keep trying with different songs and keep recordings of you singing so you can see when your voice improves. The other month the band I'm in had a gig and I even sang for one song. People didn't seem to boo or anything so maybe there's hope for anyone to do it live!! :lol:


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16 Dec 2011, 5:49 pm

i am a terrible singer really, but i do it anyways. i kinda figure people can always turn my music off if it offends their ears. i create it for reasons that have more to do with me than with my audience, really.

there are many many popular singers who seem to struggle with singing particularly well, but they may have been chosen for other reasons, i.e. they were the least-horrid-singer-in-the-band in a desperate moment, or perhaps they are good looking or have charisma.

my point is that, if you want to do it, just do it. there are fans out theer for everyone. if you care to make the music, some people will always care to listen.

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16 Dec 2011, 5:52 pm

I've been told I have a decent voice. Still, the music I create is generally just for me. I may share lyrics here and there, but that's about it.

I suppose I could be less secretive with my music, though. Meh... once I have a keyboard I may record some of it and slap it on youtube.

I'm not very good at it, though.

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16 Dec 2011, 6:11 pm

At some point in my life, I wanted to become a music teacher. I play the piano since I was 10, and I used to sing in a choir for about six years. It did not work out because there were no open slots at the colleges near me, but looking back at it, I thank the heavens that it did not work. I love playing music. I am not the most skilled musician on earth, and my reduced manual dexterity does not help with playing piano, either, but think about it: if you are a musician, you HAVE to play. You have no choice. You get paid for it. Music is one of my passions, which I want to do how I want, when I want, IF I want. I cannot play for an audience (makes me nervous), I just play for myself. Besides, I play classic piano only, so most folks wouldn't want to listen to what I play, anyhow. Not saying you should not pursue your dreams, just something to consider. I would never EVER want to turn any of my hobbies into a profession, because I would lose it for what it is: a hobby, something I do just for the heck of it.


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16 Dec 2011, 11:10 pm

Well, I keep putting videos up on youtube, but taking them down after about 30 mins, although I have one up at the moment, which I'm happy with, which is a cover. But the only reason I've kept it up over my originals is that I suppose I don't sound awful in it. And I got a good comment pretty quickly aswell, which made me feel good :D
If you wanna watch it to see what I mean, be my guest.... ... re=related

EDIT: Granted, the chorus sounds HORRIBLE, but oh well...

I feel horrible posting it on here, cause it feels like I'm trying to say 'hey look at me, look how awesome I am', but secretly inside I want everyone to watch it, which is obviously why I'm posting it. It's only had 4 views cause I'm terrified of putting it on my facebook for people I know to see it... but I might do it soon.

@starryeyedvoyager, I've thought about it, and I think I'd be ok with it. To be honest, I want to be able to perform in front of people, and I think the only way I'd be able to do that, is if I was forced to do it. At first obviously, cause it feels like something I would love to do. I mean, perform my music for people who love it, sounds awesome! And I don't think I'd have a problem making music, playing music, and everything 24/7, as I pretty much try to anyway. Obviously I'm being a bit ignorant, as I've never actually been in that sort of situation, but it seems like something I would like. And if an oppurtunity did arise to make a living from my music, I would insist on having it my own way, or I wouldn't do it.

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16 Dec 2011, 11:27 pm

sounds great, you made it out like it would be bad lol.

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16 Dec 2011, 11:57 pm

Why thank you! :) that was a rare one though, that didn't actually sound too bad, but I'm thinking, if I can sing one song and not sound too bad, surely I can sing all the time and not sound too bad, right? I might post an original in the next couple of days... depends how I feel, and if anyone wants to hear it.

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