I've thought of making a story where there is a group of Aspies calling themselves "Aspi-Legion" who end up creating giant mechas and tools of war against what they feel is their "neurotypical oppressors". The leader of this group, however, is secretly trying to perfect ancient medicine in hopes of becoming a god. Aspi-Legion create meds called asperfetamines that allow them to become superhumans. The meds work on a certain gene that only Aspies have, so nothing happens if an NT takes them. With the enhancements provided by asperfetamine, Aspi-Legion begins terrorizing world governments, gathering up NT's to place in "NT Concentration Camps", as well as Aspies who refuse to fight for their cause. At this time, a small party of Aspies opposed to Aspi-Legion manage to get their hands on a bit of asperfetamine, carrying out guerrila attacks against Aspi-Legion. The party manages to back the powerful Aspi-Legion against a wall, finally facing Aspi-Legion's leader (who is now immortal) in a final showdown at the Earth's core (which is flowing full of asperfetamine).