I liked indie back in the 90s, when it was short for "independent" music. That was when "alternative" was no longer an alternative because it had gone mainstream. then major labels started putting out "indie" music in the 'aughts, and it was no longer indie.
I liked: Slint, Tortoise, Polvo, Shellac, Trans Am, Rex, Rodan, Rachael's, F&*^, Bedhead, Low, Stereolab, Le Tigre, first 2 Rapture ablums, Magnetic Fields, Animal Collective, Les Savy Fav, The Makeup, Firewater, Royal Trux, Low, The Sea and Cake, Flaming Lips (in the early 90s), Beat Happening, Sebadoh, Fugazi, Jawbox, Beauty Pill, Galaxy 500, Luna, Menomena, Need New body, Blonde Redhead, Guided By Voices, Mogwai, Sonic youth, 3ra1n1ac, Boradcast, Do Make Say Think, morphine, Built to Spill, Cap'n'Jazz, Cibo Matto, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, PJ Harvey, Wedding Present, Xiu Xiu, Yo La Tengo,.
Those were the bands that I liked enough to go see their live shows (saw those bands 1-7 times each). Played some shows with some of them. I didn't include any of my friends' local bands in that list if they weren't nationally known touring bands. Also didn't include any screamo or the new psychadelic stuff, both of which styles were usually put out by indie labels, but had a distinct scene style.
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