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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Mar 2012, 2:37 pm

I want to write some sci-fi, here's a rough draft of the plot.

In around 50 000 B.C.A, an advanced race called the Nox is flourishing, they thrive peacefully, but are mostly artists and scientists. They never encountered any major advanced species, the only sapients they knew were primitive and uncivilized. Unwilling to share the galaxy, they eventually decide to hide in their own systems, minding their own business, and they build Von Neummann probes designed to seek out and destroy intelligent life before it can pose a treath to the Nox. These probes are designed to absorb ressources to multiply, and are designed to rewrite their codes to adapt to any circumstances. The Noxes bestowed the name Maglax unto their creation, and set them out in the stars, keeping a few of them in their systems to act as tools of war, just in case.

However the Nox didn't really tought their plans out. After conquering and incorporating many species, the Maglaxes eventually sowly become sapient and realise that they are only tools for war crimes. Disgusted, they rebel from their masters and try to destroy their empire, to spare the life of younger, innocents species. Many Noxes are killed in the early days of the war, when they were taken by surprise, and the Maglax drones force the rest of their masters to scatter in the galaxy.

During their chase of their creators, the Maglaxes stumble upon Earth and they find a Nox enclave on it. They promptly eradicate it, but decide to spare a young Nox child. They also discover a human tribe and give them tools to help their survival. The Earth Maglaxes discover that not all Noxes are evil, and that they can be redeemed by their childrens who know nothing of the genocides. Now officialy rogue from the main Maglaxes, who wouldn't accept their arguments for peace, the rebel Nox set out to warn remaining Noxes and help them survive, but not before leaving behind the boy and a single Maglax, along with a ship equipped with an interstellar drive, so that when the boy will be older and will have understood the whole story, he will be able to escape earth and seek out the remnants of his species.

The story then jump to the 2900's. Humankind as grown and spread trough the stars, unaware of the Maglaxes involvment in their species history. Several other species inhabit the galaxy, the Yunans (a race looking like humans, but desert-dwelling, with gray skin and reptilian features, they are, overall, the more influent and powerful race in the galaxy, and defacto bosses, though they are overall peaceful and allied with humans.), the Nagas (a race of weak, frail aliens looking like a cross between reptilians and fishes, they are highly-intelligent and value science, and are overall a peaceful race, but many of them hold racist and xenophobic views over aliens. They breed slowly and have eugenics laws enabled, so their population is low and they keep out of wars, preferring to pay the Yunans, the Humans or the Galaxites for peacekeeping, but they can make decent soldiers), the Galaxites, a tall and muscular race of aliens renowned for their strenght and war culture. They hail from a dangerous and deadly high-gravity planet. They are frequently victim of racism, believed by the rest fo the galaxy to be only mindless, stupid brutes, but most of them don't fit the stereotype and are quite reasonable.) and the Dexuns, a race of rather short and weak aliens, who prefer commerce and industry over warfare. Consquently, they are very powerful, and hold the galaxy by the balls, but can't fight at all. The Maglaxes are still around, but keep for themselves, occasionally trading in all kind of things, but they almost always remain neutral. All of these species form the Galactic Confederation (except the Maglaxes). Many smaller species, of lesser importance, also made up the GC, but 50 years before the start of the story, they rebelled along with a significant portion of the Galaxite Empire, to form the Conclave, which seeks to assert it's independance and ''free'' the various Confederate Nations of Human and Yunan domination. The first war was started by a massive terrorist attack on Yun-Kaïn (the Yunan homeworld) and Earth. The attack on YK was twarthed in time, but the one on Earth destroyed most of Earth's military and a significant portion of the human's alive on Earth at the time, along with badly wrecking Earth's ecosystem, leaving Earth a desolate, abandoned planet, significantly affecting Human morale. The war ended on a stalemate, but in practice, both the Confederation and the Conclave are still planning for another war.

With the Human specie weakened, many colonies decide to break off and become independant, or to join the Conclave. The human army, too weakened to take them back, leaves most of them independant.

At the start of the novel proper, the Confederation as completly finished recovering from the war, and is sitting quietly, waiting for the Conclave to make a move, effectivaly plunging the galaxy in a cold war. Having received intel that the Conclave is up to something shaddy in far off uncharted systems, that an archeologist on Earth as gone mysteriously missing (remember the Maglax thing earlier?) and that the Maglaxes are starting to mobilise some warships, the Confederation decide to band up a team of super soldiers on a state of the art new high-tech warship to investigate.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Mar 2012, 2:51 pm

Your idea sounds amazing! I could never come up with the names and characteristics of the races like you have done. Do you watch much Star Trek: The Next Generation? The universe you've created reminds me of that but the aliens are much more developed in yours. I'd love to read the story when it's finished. Would you please PM me and send me a link to it?


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28 Mar 2012, 2:56 pm

Well, it kind of sound like Battlestar Galactica, or one of the subplots from Star Trek Deep Space Nine with the Jem'Hadar.


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28 Mar 2012, 3:34 pm

A very ambitious project. Creating an entire Universe is not an easy thing to do, but it looks like you have a start here. Also, it looks like this could be a series rather than a single novel.


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28 Mar 2012, 3:35 pm

Any plot is no better or worse than what you do with it. Is this a story you want to tell? If it is, tell it. Write the story you'd want to read.

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28 Mar 2012, 3:54 pm

Sounds like a good start, to me. :D

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Mar 2012, 7:35 pm

DominictheStampede wrote:
Your idea sounds amazing! I could never come up with the names and characteristics of the races like you have done. Do you watch much Star Trek: The Next Generation? The universe you've created reminds me of that but the aliens are much more developed in yours. I'd love to read the story when it's finished. Would you please PM me and send me a link to it?

Thanks! The universe is much more developped than that. Obviously I add to cut some corners to explain it on WP. And no, I don't watch Star Trek.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Mar 2012, 7:40 pm

shrox wrote:
Well, it kind of sound like Battlestar Galactica, or one of the subplots from Star Trek Deep Space Nine with the Jem'Hadar.

I wouldn't know honestly. I never watched any of these. Does it mean my story is good? I honestly drew more inspiration from Star Wars, Halo, Hyperion, Mass Effect and Alien.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Mar 2012, 7:44 pm

NTAndrew wrote:
A very ambitious project. Creating an entire Universe is not an easy thing to do, but it looks like you have a start here. Also, it looks like this could be a series rather than a single novel.

I tries thinking about splitting the main plot over two books. Then maybe I could write a sequel I have a few ideas already, mostly dependant on how the first book ends. I can't decide about writing an ending where the Maglax establish a dominion over organics, one where they ally with them or one where the Yunans (actually mu favourite specie and overall the most fleshed-out one) become much more imperealistic and establish a sort of Roman Empire (in practice though, they are mainly space expies of Arabs).


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28 Mar 2012, 9:41 pm

shrox wrote:
Well, it kind of sound like Battlestar Galactica, or one of the subplots from Star Trek Deep Space Nine with the Jem'Hadar.

I was thinking of that, only instead of DS9 I was thinking of the Star Trek Voyager episode "Prototype"

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