Ganondox wrote:
How do you publish books?
Self-publishing, unless you're a professional writer. Some pros have started out self-publishing but most authors attract the attention of a publisher somehow. Oh, and there's the option of actually learning book-binding yourself; but that's more of an arts-and-crafts thing, I guess.
With the availability of the internet, though, a lot of that is changing. People who aren't being paid to write books can "publish" their books online for very little, or nothing at all. You get an audience, you get feedback; you talk to other writers and give each other constructive criticism...
I've never written a book and I don't think I ever will. I've been offered the chance; but I had to choose between that and school; and school is more important. I like to write shorter things on my blog, and people read that. I think if people paid me to write, I'd be worried about writing the "right" thing. As it is, I can just express myself.