I am looking for an essay on ASDs entitled "The Importance of Centipedes" or something similar.
I read it many years ago. It said a lot of things I would like to say.
It started off with a little boy talking about how much he liked centipedes, how much he knew about them, how cool the were, how he told his kindergarten teacher all about centipedes...
...you get the idea, right???...
...and then about how his dad took him for a bunch of tests and came home with a bottle of pills and said, "Son, you're not like the other little children, but if you take these pills, you'll be better."
Then he starts talking, in very short sentences, about how tired he is and how nothing's fun. The last three lines of the essay are, "I saw a bug in the garden. I forget what it's called. I squished it with a rock."
I was trying to find it online. I searched the forums here and did a general search online as well. Nothing.
I know I didn't dream, imagine, or hallucinate this. Can anyone tell me where to find it???
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"