My problem in life is that I confuse people. Pretty much with everything I do, I'm a walking paradox, and music is no exception.
I actually have VERY broad taste in music, but while being very broad, it's very specific, if that makes sense. So when people ask what I like, it's a bit tough to answer. I usually answer I mostly listen to techno. One big thing with me, my music, for being a guy tends to be pretty girly. I listen to lots of eurobeat, and eurodance, and house music, usually stuff I consider to be somewhat romantic in lyrics, etc. I also listen to lots of Japanese music, again, Japanese pop that's sorta the same style of music, but Japanese. I'm very willing to sort of "try" music, ie, I've downloaded some Russian songs after hearing them at the skating rink played by coaches, so it gets added to my big mix of music. I do that a lot, hear something I like and just run with it more or less. So I can usually hold up a music conversation, as I know a lot about stuff, but when it comes down to my personal views and tastes, they're usually quite odd to most people. I also like weird stuff like Thomas Dolby or Yellow Magic Orchestra, too, which while I don't really have a propensity for "arty" music like that, I do like some, but I don't fit into the "crowd" of arty music, for example.
As far as relating, pretty much a resounding no. I don't fit very well into a musical clique or group very well at all. At the same time, lots of people really LIKE my musical tastes. Once I sorta figure out what's appropriate or inappropriate, I do pretty well. People at the skating rink, especially the older people, tend to really like my music. In general I tend to get along better with older people, but older people usually appreciate my music taste better, mainly as it's not usually about how greatly skilled people are at fornicating or how angry they are.
Basically, I as a person just confuse people in everything I do because they find it hard to categorize me, and this happens with music.