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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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13 Oct 2012, 8:23 pm

I have recently been evaluated to find out if I have Asperger's and/or ADHD and in the meantime I have had an obsession with "The Nutcracker" since I first saw it when I was 2 or 3 years old. I love the music and I listen to it all the time, I watched the ballet all the time when I was a kid...I've been to it live many times and I don't get tired of it. I paint scenes from he Nutcracker and my artwork usually displays dancing or Nutcracker characters. I am starting a collection of Nutcracker things and I even have a facebook page dedicated to the Nutcracker and I studied up on the history of it.

This is one of my obsessions as possibly part of having Asperger's, does anyone else here have this interest too? Anyone else love the Nutcracker as much as I do? :)


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13 Oct 2012, 9:38 pm

Tchaikovsky is one of my favorite composers, but the Nutcracker is one thing I've never been able to get into

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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13 Oct 2012, 9:51 pm

Tchaicovsky is my favorite composer too...although I listen to the Nutcracker the most, I do like listening to Tchaicovsky's other pieces such as Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake. I believe the Nutcracker was his last and he died a year later and it was tragically not a success on its debut :(

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13 Oct 2012, 9:55 pm

I think it's a lovely interest to have!

Can't say that I'm a huge fan. I have listened to the classical music. Tchaikovsky was a genius.

I'm happy to talk about classical music in general. There seem to be a few Aspie's on here who like it.

Good luck with your search!

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13 Oct 2012, 10:02 pm

It's a cool musical, I'd say. I remember watching a show as a child......... good times.


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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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13 Oct 2012, 10:05 pm

I do love classical music as well...I grew up with it. It was part of the structure in my household that we would be have a trained ear for it. I think it's great therapy and good for the brain.

My favorite composers are the romantic period classical musics. I didn't care for many composers before Beethoven. And there's a difference in their structures of music. Romantic music used the whole orchestra, whereas the classical composers used fewer instruments.

Beethoven and Tchaicovsky are my favorites in GENERAL.
I found though that more Aspies seem to prefer Mozart over Beethoven, and I'm guessing that's because his music was more structured than Beethoven's was. And Mozart was believed to have had Asperger's.

Do you prefer Mozart over Beethoven? Just curious :D

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14 Oct 2012, 6:17 am

I wouldn't be able to choose between Beethoven or Mozart. Mozart's music tends to be more relaxing, but Beethoven is melodically interesting too. I like each one for different reasons.

I don't mind a bit of Baroque music. Especially Bach, Handel and Vivaldi.

At the moment though, I'm listening to Liszt's Transcendental Etudes for piano. They are so lively and complex. Aurally interesting. He must have been a highly accomplished pianist. Awe inspiring.

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14 Oct 2012, 6:30 am

I love Tchaikovsky's ballet music but personally I prefer the 6 symphonies (especially the 5th and 6th, Pathetique.)

NutcrackerPrincess wrote:
Beethoven and Tchaicovsky are my favorites in GENERAL.
I found though that more Aspies seem to prefer Mozart over Beethoven, and I'm guessing that's because his music was more structured than Beethoven's was. And Mozart was believed to have had Asperger's.

Do you prefer Mozart over Beethoven? Just curious :D

Yes I prefer Mozart over Beethoven. There is something more competent about Mozart's music over Beethoven's. Mozart seemed to find composing the easiest thing in the world to do as opposed to Beethoven who had to make loads of sketches before starting his works. I also think that Mozart's final 3 symphonies surpass any of Beethoven's own symphonies (especially the finale of the 41st.)

I would have to say my 3 favourite composer of all time would be Mozart, Haydn and Schubert. I seem to prefer classical era composers over the big romantics such as Berlioz, Mahler and Liszt etc.


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15 Oct 2012, 1:12 pm

As a kid I really got into the stories of the ballets Giselle, Coppelia, The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, etc.. I had ballet costumes--real ones, from a neighbor who was a dancer. I wasn't so much into the music, although my mother listened to classical a lot. She was more of an opera fan. I even took ballet lessons for a little while, but sensory problems with leotards and tights and gross motor skills deficiencies did for that. Also, the fact that I was the biggest kid in the class. I was an enormous child until I stopped growing when I was 11. :oops:

We used to go see the Nutcracker at Christmastime every year for about 10 years. I remember one time I was not into it, and passed the time counting butts (men in different colored tights). I think I was 8 that year.

My favorite part was the Arabian dance that was rather uniquely choreographed by our local company. Two men carried in a female dancer wrapped in an enormous piece of diaphanous cloth, slowly unwrapped her, did some cool things with the cloth, then slowly wrapped her back up and carried her out. I got a heat rash playing that with my heavy bedspread when I was 5. All the other kids in my neighborhood thought I was weird because I would try to make them play "opera" and "ballet".

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15 Oct 2012, 1:18 pm

I love it - I've been to see a few ballet productions of it, also a documentary on TV about the English National Ballet performing it and I've also been to a Nutcracker ballet workshop (I do ballet as well). Love ballet and the Nutcracker is my second favourite behind Swan Lake. I will be sure to look out for your Facebook page :-)


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16 Oct 2012, 5:35 pm

NutcrackerPrincess wrote:
Do you prefer Mozart over Beethoven? Just curious :D

I'm glad I have the choice of both of them, but if you were to send me to the proverbial deserted island, I'd pick Mozart. I can't explain why. I find it impossible to verbalize music; it's somewhat like trying to explain what colors are to a person who is colorblind.