Yeah, I'll admit for 23 I am a late bloomer with this, but I feel like sometimes I wonder how the heck I could get a comic strip off the ground if I have no ideas whatsoever for even so much as a title. I figure if WP might be the place to go, why not, cause I need as much input as I want to get a comic strip off the ground. I was hoping to put together some sort of hilarious yet intellectual, original vibe of a comic together that would channel Calvin and Hobbes, Zits, Non Sequitur...something in that vein, maybe with two close female friends or just plain tied-like-a-knot best friend storylines, that kind of thing.
If you actually have your own comic strip that you do for fun or are a major coniessour(someone please correct my spelling on that) of good comics in general, you might come up with an answer right off the bat, but I'll take pretty much anything. I just think having a hobby that feels really productive for me as a visual artist will make me feel more confident.
Actually if I like what happens with my comic book work I may want to turn it into a comic collective blog--not really to do it for attention but maybe for the interest of knowing what comics interested which viewers, which I know is possible on Wordpress.
thanks everyone
I love art and believe that love, faith and fearlessness are all you need. Word up.
DA username noturavgpoet