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29 Dec 2006, 1:48 am

I recently recovered this from a CD. Let me know what you guys think.

I stand alone, my world is dead
I have no heart, I died as I bled
My world is gone, I have no life
I weep softly, I hold my knife
They stole it all, they have no right
I will return, riding on the light
---- Light conquers, it captures all
---- Restores my life, and I start to fall

---- Unworthy! Forgotten One
---- I lay stretched out,
---- I touch the sun
---- Yet I'm trapped in a dream
---- I have no mouth and I must scream
----------And yet I have no dream...
----------And I can no longer scream...

I see the world, I see the sky
I try to live, but I'm doomed to die
The sky above, the world below,
The Fire burning, the ice and snow
I curse the sun, I hate the rain
I damn this hell, I damn the pain

---- Still, I know that I must pay
---- Every year, and everyday
----------Keeps growing,
----------Succumbing now
----------I will escape, but I don't know how
---------I fear It, I run away
----------Consumed with fear, Night and Day
----------Keep running! And do not fall...
----------I will survive, I will not fall

Back again, I am afraid
The price of fear, I so dearly paid
All that happens, I am at an end
My foolish crimes, I cannot amend
------Forgive me! I don’t know what I do
------I live for my self, and not for you
------You hate me! I know you’re right.
------I follow on, while living for the night
----------In the end I knew I was right
----------And I am fighting in the night

Now alone, my private hell
‘Tis my home, I know it well
My own mind, my hopes and dreams
My inner lusts, my silent screams
My broken heart, my shattered dreams
My torn mind, ripping at the seams
People talking, living in the day
It is their world, and I must stay away
---- And still I fear the day
---- Fear the light, I fear their way

Departed lovers shed their tears,
Hopeless men drink their beers
A homeless child, not unlike I
Screams his wish not to die
People living in their day
Never caring of those they cast away
Other people, they don't care at all
They should be happy, they have it all
They are rich, they have a life
I have my mind, I have my knife
They have their heart, they have their dream
I am in pain, I cannot scream
---- The world is just a dream
---- It ain't hell, its far to mean
----------Shattered hearts
----------And broken dreams
----------Silent worlds
----------And muted screams
---- All the pain that’s stored within
---- Can't go away, cannot begin
----------I see you! I see myself
----------I feel my heart
----------I know your wealth
------You live your world
------You live your lie
------I live alone
------And I will die

Looking back, before this day,
When I was young, years so far away
Before the anger, before the pain
Still alone, but cleansed by the rain

---- Hellfire
---- Hellfire flame
---- Hellfire burning,
---- And the burning rain
---- I know not how
---- I know not when
---- But I know less now
---- Than when I first began
----------And though I loved you in the end
----------You always were my only friend.
---- Darkness! And hate surround
---- I'm burning up, lying on the ground
----------And I had just begun
----------I did not give up my run

They said stop hating.
But I must hate myself
Give up your pain
Embrace your wealth,
Forget anger
Forget disdain
Forget you've been wronged
Ignore the pain
---- I can’t forget the rain.

---- I'm rotting.
---- I burn away
---- And with myself,
---- I get by the day

---- I don’t feel love,
---- I am alone
---- Live in a silent hell
---- It is my home,

---- I know it

---- I know it far to well
---- I trust no one
---- I only trust myself

---- I hear it! I see the light
---- I reach the floor,
---- I grab my knife
----------And I have no hope in life

Looking back to my life,
End it now with my knife
I have no hope, I have no chance
Have not seen love, do not know romance
In my heart, I know I'm screwed,
The end of my life, cannot be renewed

---- And I...
---- I’m still too scared to die
---- And still I know not why
---- I know it is not right
---- I am the warrior of the light
---- And I must be fighting for the right.
----------I don't need your "Love"
----------And I hate your hate
----------Don't apologize, you are far too late.

Caught in the war, the fight within
I fight myself, I cannot win
A losing war, a hopeless cause
Believe in it, and just because
---- Don't hurt me, I am in pain
---- I curse the world, I am insane
----------And I'm fighting in the light
----------I fight for what I think is right!

---- Don't leave me!
---- I need you,
---- You don't need me
---- It’s sad, but true

---- I see your heart,
---- I see your eyes
---- I see myself
---- And my demise
----------And I still care for you...
----------Just tell me what I should do

---- Don't leave me, don't run away
---- I am here, here I must stay
---- You don't love me
---- You can't stand me at all
---- But stand by me, or I will fall
---- I need your help,
---- I am in pain.
---- I need a life
---- I am trapped by rain
----------Keep falling!
----------I am falling down
----------And I am spewing blood
----------On the burning ground

------I hate it
------And I hate you
------I hate my life
------Hate all I do

But I am fighting in the night
And in the end I knew that I was right
I may lose the war, but I will fight your fight!
And I cannot lose this fight
For black cannot defeat the light

---- And my heart’s not black at all...
---- Yet in the end I still must fall...


Joined: 29 Jun 2006
Gender: Male
Posts: 6,341

29 Dec 2006, 7:28 am

That's a good poem. :wink:

Something I can relate to.