kouzoku wrote:
doordoctor wrote:
couple things, how long have you talked with your violin?? whats his name?? I am sure he misses you while he's in the shop.
i am not a musician, but do understand the talking to objects thing, common with some aspies, as i sometimes talk to my door hardware (not in public!) and some do have names,
His name is Momo and I talked with him ever since I first received him. He's been in the family for over 100 years but no one in the generation before me played him. He probably misses me, but is getting a lot of needed attention. It's kind of like being at the spa. LOL
even though hes not with you, he may still be happy you have him, due to if you cannot fix their elements yourself, best thing is to do is take them to someone who knows what to do just think of the shop as Momo's doctor. most likely he really appreciates your attention that your giving to him (playing and talking to him) and he had to wait a long time before the perfect person found him, you.
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