I'm not just drawn to any fiction that I read. For the most part it's been Sci-fi, fantasy, or the action/adventure/thriller stuff set in modern day, but usually it's tied to whatever fad I'm in right now. Right now, I'm in a superhero fad, so most of what I've read over the past few weeks has been superhero related. I've read -- Nobody Get's the Girl, Cla$$Warfare, Wearing the Cape, Confessions of a D-List Supervillain, and started reading WildCards 1. I've also bought several Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed rpg sourcebooks. I've done this before with other fads. Sometimes it's even Author Specific. I had a fad where I was buying and reading anything by Jack Vance, Roger Zelazny, Andre Norton, and others. I have about sixty+ of Andre Norton's novels and I only got through a third of them before I got out of the fad I had with her writing. Sometimes it's theme specific, an example being military themed, so I read Starship Troopers, Armor, The Honor Harrington series, Article 23, A bunch of stuff by Elizabeth Moon, stuff by Ian Douglas, and others. It varies.
I read fast, so I've read a lot of books. Sometimes I'll go through two to three books a day and then end up with the feeling of what am I going to do now.
Also sometimes I lose interest in a book or series and don't finish it. I've learned not to get rid of the book when I stop reading it through losing interest. I have a whole shelf with over fifty books that I know I can end up reading again when and if an interest returns. I've even dropped some pretty well known series such as Wheel of Time, and the Wizard's First Rule series mid way through because I just lose interest. I know at some point I'll finish them, but I just don't have an interest to do so at the current moment and I won't force myself.