Busking and Distance
I was wondering if anyone else (non-NT) finds that busking is easy to do. I generally need a substantial deal of distance from people, and new people (especially in large numbers) can be really difficult for me, but I find that especially when I chipbusk (I write and perform chiptunes (original music using 4-bit and 8-bit videogame soundchips)), it's really easy for me to be out and about like that. There's a sort of joy and excitement I get from doing it while I feel an unexplained necessary distance from the people around me just by being the performer. I'm able to focus on optimal performance and I need to keep my eyes on the screen of the Game Boy which definitely gives me the distance required for comfort levels. But I feel like I'm able to kind of...fake interacting with them in this sort of 'stage presence' when I have a microphone (of course the minute anyone comes up to me afterwards or in the middle of my speaking over the mic and asks about what it is that I do I find it really hard to interact...). It's sort of like the 'withdrawn' rush one might get from firing a gun at someone from behind an iron shield, if that makes any sense. I can perform/talk at them, but no moreso with them than I would ever normally be able to do so. Does anyone else have experience with this?