If you were in a like minded situation as I was, this is the post for you.
Put down guitar for a while, ruined my chops & technique, felt too discourged to pick it back up.
I tried countless times, with trying to learn exercises, lead techniques, etc. but recently I noticed something. I was setting my aim too high.
The way you build your chops back up after not playing for an extended peroid is by rehearsing the simplest songs you know, and learning some of the less-technical songs you like.
I know every guitar player, bass player, drummer, etc. has more simple music they're into and beyond doubt, that'll build your chops & technique up like crazy.
The old advice for beginning guitar players really remians the same for return intermediate & advanced players. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Just take it easy, take it slow, and in no time you'll be playing like your old self again.
One love.