hurtloam wrote:
I've always wanted to because I enjoy a good book, but I don't know what to write about. I've had a couple of failed attempts, but never know where to take my story.
The first thing I found with taking a story somewhere is that I write what I like. For the most part that consists of some variation of science-fiction super powered persons doing things. Pretty vague and non-specific. But it's a start. I don't write much at all fantasy but I have.
The second thing I found that helps is that whereever I go, depends on what ideas I come up with. I attempt to write down and keep any ideas that come to me. Some never pan out, some do. Some have been developed into their own stories. Some are merely a means to progress the story. Some are garbage and unworkable at the time, but may be later.
The third thing I found is that If I need inspiration where to go with a story, I do similar things to when I'm stuck doing something else. I stop. I then avoid it for a bit. This could be an hour, or a day, or even longer. But I pay attention to my surroundings. Watching the news, I may see something gives me an idea. Overhearing a coworker say something, seeing a billboard, listening to music, or any other input may trigger something that can give me an idea to take the story further. And when I get the idea, I jump back into developing the story.