Harsh light shatters windows to the inner world
you will never see, never know, for fear of
knowing that which must forever be muted.
Aquamarine blue, prismatic darkness retaining
shards of a shattered past, not to be reconciled,
forever held in a stasis of disjointed fragments.
Time perpetually halted in its tracks, hindered
by a past that seeks so desperately to maintain
Its reality, never to be forsaken, forever unforgiven.
Futureless, the mind screams out for mercy,
seeking to locate a modicum of redemption,
an empty fragment of hope in flight.
Darkness, perpetual, yet comforting in its constancy,
concealing the smiling demons, so intent on
mocking the one hidden amidst shadow.
Existing, not living, as the Fates steal in,
taking their chance to intercede; intercept
the miniscule light of a dream not fulfilled.
Katharine Zoe Ruth Saunders
Copyright ©2006 Katie Zoe Ruth Saunders