Adamalone wrote:
The proofreading I have always done myself, which is somewhat annoying because I always end up re-writing
parts of the stories because I'm never happy with them.
As for critiquing, when I was going to my old creative writing class I had the other people in the class to do that
when my work was read out.
But now that the class does not run any more I don't have anyone to help with that either.
Sorry that I can't be of more assistance in those areas.
No Prob. I'm going to keep asking around.
Iron Maiden looks interesting. I have a kindle somewhere, but I don't know where. Could be on a shelf in my room. I think you can install kindle reader software on a laptop but I don't know. Paperback books are the format I prefer. I added Iron Maiden to a wishlist of books I setup on Amazon. Slowly but surely I'm acquiring every one of them.