Do you want to subscribe/contribute to an AS magizine
WARNING...the following post is not for the ADD amongst us.Please read the abreviated,condensed version sponsored by machine1,posted several posts down(The one with ALF)Thank You.
A few weeks ago(*please see article on "AS and the relativity of time",which hasn't yet been written but will be when I get the time for it),I woke with an idea.I believe it was the "end result" of a year of research and obsession about AS and the AS community.The idea is to create a magazine,for,by and about people on the spectrum.My on-line research has uncovered one well kept secret,aspies to have a voice and do want to be heard.I call it a "secret" because the current structure of "autism awareness",appears to be structured around the belief that....."If you have autism,you can not speak and we will speak for you.If you can speak,your autism is not the kind we're interested in."
We do have some books written from the perspective of a handful of autistics that are them generalized to be appropriate to understand ALL AS.We have many bloggers and a few on-line communities where AS people can share their experiences and support.But the only magazines I could find about AS,were written FOR "professionals,parents,teachers,care workers" and are "curbbie dominated" and NT biased.Now,the most logical reason for this lack of a magazine of our own,is that nobody wants or needs one.Well,I do.I have learned to embrace the computer,(but it does some very unorthodox things when I do so.)
But I do think that one form of communication does not have to negate the importance of another form.I think there is room for both.Perhaps it is because I wasnt weened on code,but I still enjoy the tactile sensation of holding written words in my hands and looking at pictures and writing that isnt glowing.As a writer and "artist",I think my creation becomes more "real" if I can touch it and it doesn't get lost in the million bits of info stored as the "Internet".
What I invision/mission statement/end goal:
A magazine designed by,written for and about people on the autism perspective.
The focus would not be only about having AS,but about who we are as individuals.
There would be some articles about traits of AS and comorbids(dyslexia,mood disorders,executive dysfunction,auditory processing issues,ADD,etc),but this would only be a part of the magizine,as it is only a "part" of who we are as people with atypical neurology.The majority of the magazine would be to feature "arts/crafts/writing/analytical thought/obsessions/interests",of people on the spectrum.I'm thinking...lots of pictures,comics,humour rambelings,short bios.,serial stories,highlights of craft projects,feature "obsession" of the month,reviews of scientific articles,movies,books,music and "computer/science/maths/geek of the week."(with full illustration of a chicken biting carney..or not)
Two "sticky points".Who would be allowed to submit?Do you have to send your DX papers with you submission?This is a "hot button" issue that has come up several times on WP.The consensus seems to be that not having a DX does not "prove" that you are NT.There are people on the spectrum who were DX with AS as children(when traits are more easily DXed)and,over time,appear more NT in traits then some "self DXed".Are their brains now rewired?There are people who never received a DX because they haven't access to it,cant afford it,or fear the very real stigma of the DX by insurence companies or employers.Does the lack of a "Diploma in AS",really mean they havent spent their whole lives being schooled in "what it feels like to have AS in an NT society?".Should we consider them the "home schooled/self taught" and offer them their GED's?Before I went for a DX and received my "diploma",I researched and DXed myself as AS,(with reservations/possibility of self-delusion).So,one guy,who claims to be schooled in DX of adult AS,decided that I was,someone else might decide I'm not.When they come up with a test that isn't based on subjective data,then we can start excluding the "self DXed".The only rule would be to state clearly by your submission what your DX is and if it is a "self DX".Does that seem reasonable?
Sticky point two...Everything else that goes into creating and funding a magizine.In the begining,everything from the creation to the submissions,would be "volunteer".A handful of people who have already agreed to publishing,editing,and reviewing submissions may or may not receive a salary.The process will be "labor intensive" and most of us have to work "real jobs",find it difficult to balance both a full time job and fulltime magazine production.The price of subscription will barely cover the cost of printing,assuming their is enough interest for people to subscribe.If the magizine is successful,it will only be as any other "supply and demand" product.Not enough interest in the community,the idea is aborted.The real money in magazines is the advertising.A percentage of that will be advertising aspie created products and services....a place to advertise you skills and creations.The larger advertising market would be????Well,we do seem to share some interests...(books,music,sciences/maths,minerology,fossils,comic books,video games,Wow,just like "real people",imagine that).But the real money is in the curbies we let them buy space to "heal us" of our transgressions(oh,yeah,neurological sinners)?I havent reached a dicission about this and it would be something to discuss in the community.I think most subscribers,reading that anti-curbie slant of the magizine would be strong enough to resist the ads for "fixen" what isnt broke?It maybe the only option for making the magizine financial begin?Still open for debate.
End goal:
I learned something about AS,from living on WP,that I didnt realize from just reading about AS in "expert" books and articles about AS.Something I would like to see represented in this magizine.We can be fun and funny.We have a need to create and a desire to be heard and share who we are with others.Sometimes we retreat into our bubbles because we like it in there,sometimes it is because we are overloaded by a "loud" world,sometimes it is because we are exiled there by the rejection and misunderstandings of a world that is "wired" differently.For those who wish to be heard,we will offer a place in the spotlight.I think it's long over due.
How to begin...(ooh,how my "executive dysfuntion laughed at this one).
We need a web page to offer guildlines on submissions(NT,AS,Self DXed,mutants) and an email account to receive them(something with good security to avoid viruses sent by those who would like to see us crash and burn...uhm,did I mention "paraoia" in co-morbids?).Actualy,we have seen much of "their work", on their attacks of WP,so,just because your paranoid doesnt mean they arent out to get you.
We need,volunteers to work in their areas of special interest(Is there such a thing as an accountant/business amd marketing Aspie?)ALl we can offer,right now is something to put on their resume,show their skills,get real world experience."IF" the magizine grows...we will be abe to offer paying jobs and those who volunteered and showed ability will be the first hired.(In other words,dont quit your day job but the harder you work to make the project a success the quicker we will have a payroll.)We will except assistance from NTs (who have exectutive skills) parents/friends of Aspies,feel free to volunteer you expertese.
I have many ideas of what kind of content the magizine could have but I need a lot of input from potential subscribers on what they would like to see in the magizine.I would also like to include a detachable "mail in" with each issue where readers can submit their opinions about featured writers/artist that they would like to see more of it.I hope the AS community will find this a valuable resource,both as a reader and "submiter".It will only be as good as we make it.Lets make it something to prove we have humor,creativity,analytical ability not "inspite" of AS but because of it.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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Last edited by krex on 06 Sep 2007, 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah (are you also a professional editor,we certainly need someone to edit that meanderingly/overwhelming introduction post).I will put your name at the top of the list.I really want this to be a 3D project.Something that people can receive in their mailboxs(to counter balance the student loan repayment demands,electric bills,etc)I know the whole idea of killing trees is very "old school" but some of my favorite writers subscribed to that method of publication.As I mentioned,we do have some one with the means of publication/printing.He is also aspie and interested in selling,printing,promoting the writing,art,comics of those with AS.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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Thank you Deefor4,I will eventually provide a link for her for submissions and subscriptions,(still looking for someone interested in creating a web page but may end up doing it myself...that should be "entertaining",as I am a computer moron,but gotta learn sometime if no one else is interested in doing it.
The printer lives in the US, but we will need distributers in the UK and Australia,(perhaps other countries if there is enought interest there.)
What kind of thing would you like to submit...articles,pictures,hobbies?
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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Whilst I am not a professional editor, I have a little experience. My "straight" job is as a researcher and archivalist so I know a little about organization - and I guess the biggie is that I "published" an actual physical "intellectual elitist" magazine in high school and college and served as it's editor/technician, head writer, and publisher - although there were thirty four of us at peak, many who wrote better than I.
If you want my help and feel I'd be of use to you, let me know. I don't stand on ceremony, and if you would like to read some of my work first I'll gladly make it available. The idea of just putting out something for AS types a wonderful one and any way I can help, I shall. Feel free to hit my private email - [email protected] - and if you'd like to read my works, I am on myspace as decwrites and on deviant art as saintaspie, or as Winston Smith (cause 1984 is a favorite book), or I can email a portfolio/resume packet?
I usually write dark fantasy/horror, but I have also been freelance for all kinds of nonfic.
I am not into ego, tho, and thus will willfully aid in anyway possible, no charge, and for the pleasure of helping out and meeting other writers. My philosophy is "The tale not he who tells it."
I am in the US, if it matters.
Samizat,no need for a resume of any kind.I already recognize a kindred spirit in your writing,(I did check some of it out )
and would say that we share some common ground in intentions,politics and philosophy.I think your going to get along very well with our printer/publisher,he's a smart guy and funny as hell.
But "intellectual",geez,youze guys scare me,always confusing me with your "facts and logic and stuff".Actually,I'm suprised your still with WP,we seem to scare away our "brightest" with our..."Do you think John Wayne had AS"posts.Glad you stuck it out for 12 posts and hope you will keep in touch if you bail off the planet.I'm not even going to tell you what my deviant account name is....full of emo poetry from high school and dolls I made.I dont even know what I'm doing on that site...I dont do sexy 5 year old girls anima,fan art or furry costumes(though I do have a fur fetish,it is for the "real thing",it purrs,barks or howls.)Got nothing against the folks there,just dont relate much,(to old?)
This is only one place I plan to visit to find those interested in submiting articles,art,hobbies,etc.I came here first because this is where I learned about AS.I like a lot of the folks here but there are many AS blogs I have been bookmarking for possible submissions.Anymore you care to suggest(or aspie artist,comics writers,etc)We can start a list and see if they are interested.My understand about things writen on the internet is that they are "copy written" and belong to the writer.Makes sense to me.Personally if I had a blog and was interested in being recognised as a writer...I would willingly agree to be published.Especially if it meant I still owned the writing and could resell it if a mag read it and wanted to republish it to a more maistream audiance.Does this sound logical?Do you think bloggers would be interested in that?They could also have a free add to their blog if they wanted more publicity for their art and writing.
I do have a full time job that begins tomorrow,3 days=36 hours,day to sleep and will be back next Tuesday.I will start working on the web site for submissions and subscriptions then.(If your friends with any computer genuis aspies that might be interested in this project,give them this link.)I will be buying a magizine layout program(I think,Publisher 2002,unless someone knows of a computer newbie friendlier version).I'm in over my head and appiciate the offer of a hand,sink or swim...(how are you CPR skills)
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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I think to build a new magazine you have to figure what the ad market would be. Since I have an obsessive interest in chemistry I would want you to contact someone in the pharmaceutical industry about buying adds for products that would be of interest.
Ads are your profit(or money to innovate if your non-profit) and subscription fees would pay circulation cost.
Ads are your profit(or money to innovate if your non-profit) and subscription fees would pay circulation cost.
OK much of my original post did you actually make it through...1/4,1/3?No way you read all that ramble unless your on some new ADD meds. I'm the first to admit I'm not business genuis,it's actually the only class in college I failed even after trying(a few were early morning,I plead the 5th on those).
I can figure some of it out using mathmatical logic.The price of the add is based on the number of subscriptions/target-ability of the readers/readers income.They want to make money.An add that is read by one or by someone not interested in the product or who has no money=failure.It wont succeed unless people want to buy it.They wont buy adds unless their is a target market for their products.The most obvious adds would be the kind you find on here and other AS other words,mostly "cures",camps,schools,therepists,meds.In a "perfect" world,we could turn their money down....we havent built the perfect world,yet.
There are some over lapping "aspie interests" from science/math to craft supplies,books and the other things I mentioned in the original post.Point being,there is more to this then figuring out planetary alignment.The publisher is pretty business savy.I trust his judgement and he has a lot of say in the direction of the magazine.It was my idea but his press,money and business experience,(now that I think about it,what the hell does he need me for...... .Oh yeah,aspie relations,he's a recluse.I like people and I love reading.I think we make a good team but we really want the input of others....what they want to read,what they want to write,draw,share of their lives.If we dont get the feed back here,we will take it else where and advertise here after it is up and running.Whatever works,I'm going to try and work it.I happen to think aspies have something to add to the world,even if the world is to dumb to realize it right now.That sure isnt going to change if we let the curbies define us.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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About 1/4. But I randomly accessed it.
I did a second read and edit:
.The idea is to create a magazine,
the only magazines I could find about AS,were written FOR "professionals,parents,teachers,care workers" and are "curbbie dominated" and NT biased.
There would be some articles about traits of AS and co-morbids(dyslexia,mood disorders,executive dysfunction,auditory processing issues,ADD,etc),
.The majority of the magizine would be to feature "arts/crafts/writing/analytical thought/obsessions/interests",of people on the spectrum.
I'm thinking...lots of pictures,comics,humour rambelings,short bios.,serial stories,highlights of craft projects,feature "obsession" of the month,reviews of scientific articles,movies,books,music and "computer/science/maths/geek of the week."(with full illustration of a chicken biting carney..or not)
Two "sticky points".Who would be allowed to submit?Do you have to send your DX papers with you submission?
Sticky point two...Everything else that goes into creating and funding a magizine.
The real money in magazines is the advertising..
I think most subscribers,reading that anti-curbie slant of the magizine would be strong enough to resist the ads for "fixen" what isnt broke?It maybe the only option for making the magizine financial begin?
We need a web page to offer guildlines on submissions(
We need,volunteers to work in their areas of special interest(Is there such a thing as an accountant/business amd marketing Aspie?)
Thanks Machine1.....Well done editing.I have space in my brain if you need a rental unit,I sure need an editor in there,some one with direct access to my mouth and my keyboard.I will tell any ADDers to look down to this post for a synopsis.
Also,dont think the irony is lost on me,that I mispelled magazine about 50 times and need to learn how to use spell check a bit more often.Did I mention I wont be the "editor" or a featured writer(without access to an editor)?And all the winking is a mild form or tourettes...please dont stare,it's rude
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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The publisher is willing to print based on the number of subscriptions...we don't have a web site(hint,hint)yet,to support taking subscriptions and haven't don't the marketing to find "target audience".This is 1 step,were at,looking for people interested in helping create it.
We are at the "fluid" state of creation....start somewhere and make it grow to fit demand,create demand.Most of the targeted audiance would be adults with AS,their families/friends(LOL),professionals who are curious for an inside perspective(man,are we going to piss a few of them off),The current publisher is US based.One possibility.........we would like to find volunteer "distributers"(members willing to mail out issues in their countries after we send them of box of magazines,postage,adresses), in other countries(SA,Australis,EU).
Mailing overseas is expensive,we have to find the cheapest way to do this while making it affordable for subscribers and finding international advertising.....more complications with that,so...long term it's international but first prints are the "Americas".<------Honestly,we havent worked out all the details but have actually thought about these challenges.We are open for suggestions.That is what this thread is for,so feel free to weigh in with your ideas.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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