SyAn wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen. I love computers. They talk to me in a way neither radio nor TV ever managed to do. Until they became available online, I did not read newspapers, due to their 'unwieldyness'. The easy availability and range of choice of eBooks is staggering. No longer do we have to carry heavy book bags, pick our reading sign off the floor and wonder whether we'll ever find the place again which the sign so carelessly abandoned . . .
Going to a library (one that has not yet become a 'Community Centre', with noise levels in the damaging range), choosing books, racing home as I can't wait to unpack my treasure, laying them all out in front of me, carefully choosing the one to start with, knowing the rest of them are waiting to be read later . . . Bliss!! !
Anyone else out there with this odd attachment to paper?
me! it's the way they smell--and the older the books, the better they smell, imo.
a while back, when the final book of the dark tower series came out (which i had been waiting for since i had read the gunslinger for the first time around the age of 11-12) i got my hands on an advance e-copy because i couldn't wait for (and wouldn't be able to afford) the hardcover when it first came out. i sat at my computer (at the time--and to this day--i had no other devices to read it on) for about 36 hrs straight (taking a couple short breaks to make tea and a snack) until i finished it. my god, did i have awful headaches for the next week--but in that instance, it was worth. for any other book, however, i would wait til i could purchase a physical book i could hold in my hands. it's a sentimental thing, not a rational thing--i'm an environmentalist and i feel guilty about the trees that are killed to make the books i like to read, yet i can't give them up.
i also have a horrible habit of marking up my most loved books--underlining important passages, writing notes in the margins, etc.
and i crack the spines of all the paperbacks i read, too; i just can't help myself. and i will reread certain books until they literally fall apart and i need to buy a new copy--LOTR, i'm speaking of you here: i bought a paperback edition of all the entire trilogy with all the appendices in college that is just about ready to give up the ghost; it's been dropped in the tub, had tea spilled all over it, been ripped, cracked until sections fall out, and is dog-eared all to hell. THAT is evidence of a well-loved book.