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28 Dec 2016, 9:53 am

When you read books, what age group do you enjoy most? Juvenile? Young adult? Adult lit? I've found that, despite being 24 years old, my favorite is young adult. When it's done right, it just has something books for other age groups don't have. Unfortunately, it's very rarely done right anymore, so I end up reading mostly adult books anyway.

What about you?

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28 Dec 2016, 3:45 pm

I don't think about it. I just read it . I like chidren's books and adult books. (not porn, though!)


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28 Dec 2016, 7:29 pm

I have a preference for books explicitly aimed at adults (not THAT kind of adult books ;), I mean books dealing with adult issues in an adult manner).

~Zinc Alloy aka. Russell~

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