Fnord wrote:
<* weeps *>
There is more to Science Fiction than Star Wars, Stargate, Star Trek, Star Crash...
Science Fiction does not have to have anything to do with light sabers, zap guns, warp drive, jump drive, sentient robots, telepathy, telekinetics, or space aliens that want to capture us, probe us, test us, mate with us, and eat us.
PLEASE read some Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, and Heinlein!
And, imho, the kings of science fiction: Frank Herbert senior (
Dune series and other lesser known classics like
The Dosadi Experiment and
Destination: Void), and Phillip K. Dick (
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep).
Try asking yourself questions like Herbert: How much can consciousness be expanded? What is the utmost extension of ideas like breeding programs and eugenics? What kind of memories are stored within our cells and all of that unused genetic material? Where do politics, religion, sociology, science, and ecology meet? What are the consequences of a false messiah? Does the false messiah enjoy his own hubris, is he even a willing participant?
There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
Nahj ul-Balāgha by Ali bin Abu-Talib