Ectryon wrote:
The silver backed stream dragged its murky underbelly against the rippling bladderwrack fronds and moss stained stones. Ocassionally a stone shaken loose by the frothy wake of the water sent a turgid plume of mud expanding from the bed before being whisked away by the stream's tireless onward thrust.
I really like the idea of the stream as a living being in itself.
The sentient stream Olioqui was ancient and its fluid mind carried scattered memories of its gurgling eruption from the rock struck by the priests during the solstice festival. It had been locked in stone for millenia comingling with granite and basalt, its body stretched taut in the dark prison. The priest caste fashioned the rock into a shrine and carried libations up the mountain track each evening touching foreheads to earth and lips to stone.
This needs to be expanded upon. It's more telling than showing and could be developed into a lot of text itself.