I like metal, but I don't know how to play any instruments, nor do I have the patience for it. I've tried learning how to play guitar a few times, and the part that always gets me is learning how to position my fingers on the fretboard to play different notes. It feels really awkward and uncomfortable, having to tangle up my fingers like that.
I've played around with softsynths before, and at one point I even tried learning how to use this crappy DAW which came with a bunch of canned samples, but again, I've never really had the patience to learn what makes a decent song. I know a decent song when I hear it, but I can't come up with a good, unique song for the life of me. It seems like every chord progression, every melody, every sequence of notes that can be used, has already been used in some other person's song.
Music production interests me more than creating music itself, partially because I at least have some understanding of it.