Haven of the Muse :: Corridors of the Imagination

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Most Promising Story?
Liberi Fatali 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Nocturne Phoenix 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Upon Raven Wings 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Uprising Thanatos 100%  100%  [ 1 ]
Valentinus Complex 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 1


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Joined: 19 Mar 2007
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Posts: 11

23 Mar 2007, 9:31 pm


As you can probably tell from my introductory post, I am a writer of sorts. I hope to be a published author one day, though I'm sort of a procrastinator on some of my projects, however, due to lack of motivation and initiative. For the most part, I've done enormous amounts of planning, down to the plot and even the intricate details concerning different aspects of characters. My story plannings are extremely lengthy; unfortunately, I've never been able to get past chapter one. It seems that having the vision of the said story in mind is very different from the process of actually getting down on paper (or the computer screen). This transaction from memory to the corporeal world via paper/screen can be considered a type of telepathy, to an extent. However, before I start rambling, I shall post a few story summaries that I have been working on. Keep in mind that I am very self-conscious about my writings (not criticism wise, as I can take plenty of that) but for the fact that I'm afraid of them getting plagiarized. I'm not deluded enough to think that my writings are some kind of prodigal work of genius, but they still have a precious connection with me. If in fact I find out that anything from my stories are plagiarized (now, emulating ideas or certain things is fine; there is a technique in taking ideas from other sources ethically =3), it will certainly have a devastating impact on me. Thus, I shall only be posting the summaries, and possibly samples of the stories themselves, though as for the entirety of story plannings, I'm afraid I'll have to refrain from submitting them. The rest of the text is for my eyes only or for a select few individuals that I wholly trust.

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Liberi Fatali: Psions are a genetically enhanced breed of humans that have resulted from a genetic mutation encouraged and bred from the directors of GENeSIS, an organization that was intent on creating a stronger breed of human beings. Focused on protecting their Utopian like society, GENeSIS has created the ANGeLS (Administration of Neo-Genetic Liberation Soldiers) to regulate the crime frequency in the city and make sure that everything is under control. However, their vision of creating the perfect human race led to strange and new philosophies in which they are studying under bio-ethics, after they made the perfect psionic model Kazuki, which had turned out to be a complete success. Calling themselves utilitarians, they sought to destroy the entire human race, and replace them with Psions as a newer, stronger, smarter breed of humans. Junshin, a former ANGeLS team squad member, had discovered their true intentions, and he aimed to foil their plans. Followed by a faithful band of fellow former ANGeLS squad members, they all work together to achieve the same goal: to create a new order of truth, and to set themselves and the human race free.

Nocturne Phoenix: Kazan, a brilliant shinobi, had gained the passage of right of becoming the Honnouza within one of the most prestigious ninja clans. This clan had formed him into what he was; one of the most brilliant assassins that history has ever known. It was believed that the Ryusaki clan traces its origins back to the time when Kazan’s ancestors have fought and defeated the gods, thus gaining power beyond imagination. In the past, they have fought and sealed various deities, both benign and evil. The Honnouza of the Ryusaki clan gains a birthright which is a forbidden scroll that seals the powerful spirit of a phoenix deity. However, the clan had taken everything that he held dear away from him, reduced him and then sent him into exile. Thus is the story of the Nocturne Phoenix, Kazan Ryusaki, of tarnished soul and the purest sorrow.

Upon Raven Wings: When an angel and demon came together in a forbidden union, a child was born as a result. Both of them escaped to earth to hide from their separate armies, and they knew their child was in grave danger if she stayed with them. They left her upon the mortal realm in hopes that she will be raised like a normal girl so that she won’t have to discover her own heritage. Even though it pained them to leave their only daughter, they left her on earth, in hopes that they would spare her a little more time until she finds out about her true destiny. Little did they know, however, that instead of helping her like they originally intended, it would actually double the tragedy she must face. The agents of Heaven have long since been planning her demise, and they aren’t intending to give up. Lenore is the prize…while the world is the battlefield. Meanwhile, though, the demon and the angel aren’t entirely defenseless, as they have been preparing for the apocalyptic event that wields the power to change the destiny of the world. However, little did they know that on her sixteenth birthday, her destiny will propel her towards her fate. She has no choice but to plunge into the heart of madness and encounter both angels and demons out to kill her. Her world slowly spins out of control, and there is no stopping it or turning back.

Uprising Thanatos: The Hiroyuki originally were a breed of beings that were supposed to be the natural rulers of mankind, the keepers of occult secrets that have thrived throughout the centuries. Bearing blood that was said to have come from the gods themselves, their noble lineage and prestige earned them respect and power. However, a terrible ancestral mistake would cause the Hiroyuki clan to fall from their pedestal, and they were both hated and feared by everyone. On the fateful day that everything fell apart, an ancestor that had been at the event had mysteriously disappeared, and most have speculated that he had died. Satoshi, a young youth who was afflicted with a curse since birth is believed to be punished by the gods for the Hiroyuki’s sins in the past, was chosen to go on a religious pilgrimage he will most likely die on, especially when he is drawn into a climactic adventure that draws him into the Underworld to decide their fate.

Valentinus Complex: A secret society of people that have studied the ways of the ancient powers of magik and what it stands for, witches have been practicing their craft for centuries, the practitioners of the forbidden arts and the preservers of the ancient ways. Witch hunters have long existed to cease the lineage of the witches, to drain them of their magic and to quell the preservation of ancient spells. Each witch possesses the mark of the Goddess, an ancient entity that has lent her power to all the witches and flows strongly within their veins, and it is up to them to preserve Her legacy. A complex society of magic and mystical elements, a young witch named Celeste, outcast from the rest of the society because of a crime she committed, finds herself bound in conspiracies and dark secrets, all of it harrowing down to the stunning conclusion of the heritage of the witches and their fate, along with a forbidden love that only comes once in a lifetime.

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There you have it. Keep in mind, however, that these are merely the plot summaries. There is much more information to be had on these stories. If you're interested in hearing the details, inform me through an e-mail, PM, or a reply in this topic.

However, I am quite tempted to join something on the roleplay board, so don't be surprised if you see any characters starring from one of these stories make a cameo. =3



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24 Mar 2007, 2:05 am

yeah, sorry that people haven't read your post. it's probably because of their ADD. makes it hard to concentrate. i like uprising thenatos. i have ADD as well so i had reread them a couple of times.

by the way i like the song stars and boulevards. boston's great as well.

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