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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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Joined: 13 Mar 2013
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Posts: 202
Location: Boston

08 Apr 2015, 7:19 pm

Hey, guys!

Here is another song off my humanbeyondrepair first volume, which is named "The Anxiety Bridge".

This song is for anyone who has suffered from anxiety. I look at anxiety this way: you have a bridge between two places. One is filled with demons, cynics, and screwed up people looking to wade in their own negativity, and shame those who want to go to the other side, which is filled with free spirits and friendlier more inviting company.

The anxious people are in the middle. They want to be free spirits, but in the middle, their inner demons are always telling them it is not worth it, people will hurt you, or that they will never fit in. That doesn't even seem like the truth from the other side. So, anxiety to be feels like a need to want to join society, but pulling back at them is a fear in which they are all alone in.

Here is the final version of the song. The album should be out on the 15th! ... ety-bridge

I hope you enjoy it. By way, I'd be interested in seeing what anxiety really is like for you.

I'm not strange. I'm just drawn that way. That being said, work on your drawing skills already!