When I am writing, I am constantly rephrasing, rewording, and rearranging my words, so usually i am eventually able to edit out "mistakes" (as long as I am typing on a computer)... but when i am drawing, my style is such that I do it somewhat autonomously and self-referentially... so that every single line or dot is "a controlled accident." The way I like to put it is that I am just trying to render a crude approximation of the patterns and synesthesias I see in my mind's eye as i am moving my hand. i never know what is going to happen when I start to draw. So mistakes can just be transformed into something very easily. I will say that sometimes I will have drawn something really nice, and I might see the opportunity to make some "swoosh" that would fit...and it doesn't come out right... and that can upset me slightly... and I will always see that part and be dissatisfied with it, because I know what was intended. This can leead to me beecoming shy about starting up on a project from the previous night let alone weeks/moths years ago... I am afraid I will "ruin it." I've heard it said that "great works of art are never finished, they are merely abandoned." This applies to all forms of art.
“In the same way that you see a flower in a field, it’s really the whole field that is flowering, because the flower couldn’t exist in that particular place without the special surroundings of the field; you only find flowers in surroundings that will support them. So in the same way, you only find human beings on a planet of this kind, with an atmosphere of this kind, with a temperature of this kind- supplied by a convenient neighboring star. And so, as the flower is a flowering of the field, I feel myself as a personing- a manning- a peopling of the whole universe. –In other words, I, like everything else in the universe, seem to be a center… a sort of vortex, at which the whole energy of the universe realizes itself- comes alive… an aperture through which the whole universe is conscious of itself. In other words, I go with it as a center to a circumference.”~ Alan Watts