Just curious if anyone else has read this short children's book.
I purchased this book while looking for gifts for friends at an antique mall this previous December.
From the inside sleeve:
Very strange things happen to Luap. For no reason at all he finds himself walking on his fingertips, or seeing with his fingers, or tasting with his ears. But one day he finds himself thinking with his stomach ... and this is simply not acceptable! Certainly not in school. Neither the Principal, nor his parents, nor even the Experts can stop Luap's stomach from thinking. Luap is expelled from school until he can learn to use his head.
This is the story of what happens when Luap meets a magical little man who can do everything Luap does, and a lot more besides. Suddenly all the townspeople are flipped around like mad. And so they remain, until at last they can understand...
I bought it because it just sounded interesting, but when I read it I realized that if this author didn't know someone on the spectrum personally and/or a synesthete, she at least was able to describe the sensations with amazing accuracy. It's also a great description of what people on the spectrum have to go through in getting others to understand.