Anyone here a fan of Tuvan throat singing?

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19 Jun 2009, 8:47 pm

I'd never heard of it until i saw a band, Huun Huur Tu in LA one summer back in college. I tracked em down and have seen them a few times at various places across america since. It's been 4 years since I've seen em though =/. There are a few other throat singing groups out there i've encountered, but Huun Huur Tu really considered the best.

It's just absolutely beautiful and full of soul, very deep and bass-y. The singing technique is ridiculously hard to master and very few people can do it.

It quickly become some of my favorite music and I would love nothing more than to travel to Tuva to be able to hear it sung the way it's suppose to, in the valleys of the mountains.

Found some of their stuff on youtube

An absolutely beautiful song, they dont get into the throat singing until about 4-5mins in though.

They talk a little about the music here in the middle

It's just amazing that this is coming from someones mouth.

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19 Jun 2009, 10:44 pm

I dont know if i'd call myself a fan, but I definetly find it intresting and calming


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19 Jun 2009, 11:33 pm

calming describes it very well and why i'm listening to it tonight, need to stay calm.

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20 Jun 2009, 1:43 pm

Yeah, It's very trancey.
I've always liked Yat Kha, adding a contemporary spin to it
[youtube][/youtube](This one appears to be about Mankurt, and associated drug abuse)

Never mind the stupid video with this and concentrate on the music, it's a contemporary adaptation of a traditional Tuvan Folk song.[youtube][/youtube]

Here's Huun Huur To doing the same song in traditional style.[youtube][/youtube]

This is Altan Urag from Mongolia, right across the border from Tuva/Russian Federation

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20 Jun 2009, 1:48 pm

8O Yes! I didn't think anyone else knew about this! I first encountered it browsing on Encarta, then it was sampled by Bjork on "All is full of love." You hear it most strongly after the 3 minute mark, as the song is closing.

I can't do it myself unfortunately :(

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21 Jun 2009, 5:30 pm

I am a huge fan check out Gyuto monks on npr. I cant post to exact link bc I am a noob to this site under five post haha.


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09 Aug 2009, 10:18 pm

This is really amazing music and amazing musicians.
I've collected several cd's and a dvd about Tuva and the throat singers from there.
I've also seen "Genghis Blues"...

We had Tuvan Throat Singers come to our area a few years ago and after the concert as everyone filed out of the hall, this young white guy starts throat singing... pretty awesome!

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10 Aug 2009, 5:13 pm

I have a granddaughter that can scream that way. From her, it's the most annoying, irritating sound I can imagine. This is how 2-year-olds get spoiled...;)

that being said, I don't have a problem with adults doing it...for musical purposes...


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10 Aug 2009, 7:58 pm

Genghis Blues was an excellent documentary on the subject. I found it at my local public library a few years ago.

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09 Aug 2016, 7:59 pm

Throat singing is one of my stims. I can even make it sound like a didgeridoo.