cecilfienkelstien wrote:
Thats a great book- fizgerald is a neat guy. I tried to meet him when I went to Ireland but I couldn't find his office
As for Lennon, He was a neat guy. I loved his music

I though get afunny feeling in my stomach when I think about Yoko Ono

It was just awierd relasionship

So he Might be an aspie. But I don't think he'll really meet the criteria.
I love the song Hey Jude

Fitzgerald's books are interesting..
I've seen most of Lennon's interviews and I don't think he was AS. He was quiet eccentric, with a great sense of humour. He had a difficult childhood, both parents left when he was young and then when his mother did return she got run over and killed..so this would have taken its toll plus the pressure of being in the band.
As regards criticism of Yoko- He described her as his soul mate ('rubber soul mate' even) and he finally found someone who was intereted in and knew everything he did. You can't really argue with that. He was home! I think people resented this not unattractive Asian woman cause John could of had any woman in the world and he choose her.
OMG did you hear that the Bootleg John Lennon of the Bootleg Beatles was shot by the Bootleg Mark Chapman.. lol