Should I even bother?

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I used to love writing fanfictions, especially for MLP, but one day I got kind of upset and deleted all of my fanfics cuz I just thought I was terrible and thought that I should just stop. I tried to get started again but I made myself feel worse and well.. Last Summer I did a Pokémon RP on Instagram that was two weeks long that was just a romance story between Ash from the anime and my OC, Rachel. I actually have a lot of OCs that I ship with cannon characters (Sorry!) Rachel has been in my drawings a lot ever since, but I want to make a fanfic about them that actually turns out half good. Should I even bother?
Uhhh what do I put here now?
Hey Midnightstar16.
If you want to make a fanfic with those characters, then I'd say go for it. However, if you find yourself at a point where you don't enjoy writing it anymore, then it's fine to take a break and resume later or you can create a whole new fanfic. Whatever you choose to do, have some fun with it. Plus, I think maybe you were a bit hard on yourself when you thought your work was terrible; we tend to be our own worst critics, right?
Don't settle for someone who doesn't see your worth.

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Here it is!! !! Its rather sort, but it felt really long when I was writing ut, and I really like it.
A mini-short-story Pokemon fanfic about my other OC, Rachel.
Rachel quickly clicked the buttons on her blue GBA, sqinting to see it in the darkness of night. She was having a hard time sleeping, given the events that had happened the in the days before.
"Eevee!? Flareon? Leafeooon! Espeeeon?" Rachel called, worried.
She whirled around, her four pokemon were trapped in a cage, along with a... Pikachu? He looked familiar. A boy ran down the same path she came. Rachel panicked.
"Hey you need to calm down. I've got this handled." He threw a poke ball and a Hawlucha emerged from it. "Use Karate Chop!" He commanded, he creature obeyed, creating an opening. The pokemon rushed out, Eevee stood next to Rachel, and her other three went into their respective Balls, The Pikachu on the boy's shoulder.
"Aw, nuts." Meowth said to Jessie and James.
"Eevee use Swift!
"Pikachu use Thunderbolt!"
"Were blasting off agaiiinnnn!" They shouted.
Rachel turned to the boy and gasped, as she got a good look at his face.
Before her was her childhood best friend, next door neighbor, and defense against her abusive two triplet sisters, Ash Ketchum. "A-Ash, do you rerember me? I was your next door neighbor in Palett Town!" She smiled.
Ash studied her face for a second. "Oh, Rachel! It's good to see you again! How are you doing?" Rachel seemed elated. "I'm doing okay!" She adverted her gaze shyly. She knew the question was coming:
"Hey, do you know the gym leader in this town?" She cringed at the question. Ash's dream was to become a Pokemon Master. Didn't she rerember her dream? It was to become a gym leader. The only downside was...this.
"I-I know h-her.. She uses Eevee evolutions..." Rachel stutters. "Oh, like you do?" Ash inqired. Rachel squeaked.
"OkayI'mtheGymLeader!" She gave in quickly. "Wow! You are?" Ash sounded really exited. This is what she was afraid of.
"H-Hey, if you are okay with me battling you, how about we get lunch afterwards?" He asked. Rachel's face turned red instantly, burning like a Mega Charizard Y's tail. Ash was clearly just as nervous. Rachel questioned her own sanity, her childhood crush just asked her out? Was he asking her out on an actual date? She was too scared to say anything, but just nodded, slowly. Ash looked relived. "W-Well, I'll see you tommorow!" He said, and ran off.
Ho-Holy crap...? Rachel thought as she paced up and down the clearing.
-the next day-
Rachel had the unique ability to communicate with Pokemon, understaning their words. Witch was a good thing, since she was talking her poor Eevee's ears off, standing in the Vanjo City Gym.
"Eevee, what if I cant put up an exiting fight? What if I'm a huge disappointment? What if I embarrass myself on our date? Is that even a date he asked me out on?" Rachel said nervously. "Here they come.."
Ash ran side by side aith Pikachu, exited. "Well, are ya ready, buddy? He asked his yellow furred friend. "Pika!" She cheered in response.
"Let's get this show on the road...." Rachel mumbled, walking into the cutesy, blue and white, -her favorite colors- gym.
It was a tense battle, with Pikachu and Hawlucha vs. Espeon and Leafeon, but Ash came out on top.
"Heh, well you win. Hang on a sec.. She used a revive on each pokemon and returned them to their poke balls. She ran to the other side of the battlefield, and dug though her bag. "Heres your own Evolutionary Badge!" She chirped. Ash gladly took the badge and put it with the rest.
Rachel sat next to Ash in Mcdonalds, sipping on her soda, her eyes fixed on the grain in the table. She was thinking, should she tell Ash her feelings? Nobody was there, exept for the workers.
"Hey, Rach, wanna go to the park after this?" Ash asked. Rachel could feel the blood rush to her cheeks, she was wanting to tell Ash her feelings, and here was her chance. "Well, sure.." They finished their food and walked to the park. On the way, Rachel worked up her courage.
"Ash, I kinda sorta really like you." She stamered. Ash looked at her, but she adverted her eyes and blushed. He couldnt belive she felt like this.
"Rachel, I've loved you for all the time I've known you and all the time we've been apart, and never have gotten over you, even for a second. Do you want to do the honors of being my girlfriend?" He asked. He loved her, of all people? Worthless, short, dumb blonde Rachel, out of all the pretty girls he has travelled with? She smiled. "Yes."
She pecked him on the cheek. -end flashback-
Rachel had completely zoned out, absentmindedly playing her game and mentally reliving the days before. She checked the time. 8:57 am. She decided that she should try to make breakfast, so she saved her game, turned off her GBA, and walked towards the kitchen, greeted by a touching sight in the on the couch. She had told Ash of how lowly she though of herself, and he must have decided to stay at her house to make sure she was okay. She still crept into the kitchen, after all, she needed to make alot, considering Ash's appetite.
Uhhh what do I put here now?
It's fun, and your characters are cute together. Was that what you were going for?
If you want to make it longer, maybe set up the first two scenes so we know what's happening and why? And their declaration of love for each other sounds very sudden, so maybe some background? How do we know they care about each other? Why do they? What does it feel like/what do they like about each other?

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"The original purpose of this device was to bring a Pokémon back to life. But the ancient king transformed it into this ultimate weapon... Hmm. When the Legendary Pokémon awakened, it took back much of its energy--its power--that had been sent to the ultimate weapon. There's not much power left... But there IS enough to use it one last time..The ultimate weapon is a flower that bloomed to no avail... Just like me... But this ends here! I will show what its remaining power can do! Laura, Sycamore's pupils... Let us live forever... That's right! I shall grant you eternal life! I'll give you the pain of endlessly waiting for a beautiful world to finally be built!" Lysandre shouted.
It was getting harder and harder to breathe, as the ground began to shake. Calem and Shauna were already headed towards the door, trying to get out as quickly as possible. My knees were shaking, as I reached out the Heal Ball that Anna, my Sylveon called home. If I couldn't make it out... Then at least Anna would be safe in her Poke Ball.
I knew it was coming. The last thing I saw was my beloved Pokemon being retracted into her Poke Ball before my legs gave out from under me and all I could see was darkness...
"Wait, where's Laura?!" I panicked, running back in the direction we came.
"Calem! We dont have time!" Shauna called. I didn't care. That's our Laura. The adorable, strong, and beautiful Laura.
Her lifeless body was laying on the ground. I knew she had really bad anxiety, but I didn't know it was this bad! "Laura! Laura, please wake up..." I pleaded, shaking her shoulder with tears in my eyes. I knew she wasn't dead, because her mother had told us that she sometimes blacks out from panic attacks, but if she doesnt wake up, she actually will be dead. I choked back a sob, picked the frail girl up in my arms and ran after Shauna, even though she was way ahead of me. Memories of the girl I admitedly love flashed through my head. Meeting her for the first time, battling for the Mega Ring, goofing off on the conveyor belts in the Poke Ball factory... I pushed myself up four flights of stairs, crying over the lifeless girl in my arms. I trudged up the final flight of stairs and set Laura on the ground. "Oh my Arceus," Trevs started. "Is she okay?" They were all obiously worried.
"Uhm.." Laura sat up and groaned, after a few miniutes of waiting and watching and hoping.
"Your back!" Her four friends exclaimed, knocking her right back down.
Uhhh what do I put here now?

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*blush* eheh, that actually diddnt happen in the game, but The only thing I diidnt like about XY was that your character couldnt show much personality, so I just set up a random backstory for her, even though she was supposed to just be me in the game, and that's why she looks so much like me. You two like my stories, dont you?
Uhhh what do I put here now?

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Pokemon Go: 10 Kilometer Eggs (Wanda x Spark)
Wanda was the type of girl who would catch every Pokemon that came into view, spin every Poke stop that she passed, and took every challenger to the Gym that she had snagged, and did not plan on letting go of it.
She was walking down the sidewalk, looking for another Poke Stop, her impossibly green-eyed Jigglypuff, Puffles, was following behind her. She whirled around, hearing running behind her.
"PIDGEY AT TWELVE O'CLOCK!!" A guy with spiky blonde hair who looked to be around her age whizzed by, knocking into Puffles.
"H-Huh?! Who was that!?" She questioned, pondering if she should go after him. She soon diddn't have a choice, as Puffles ran as quickly as she could after him. "Puffles! Waaaiiit!" She wailed. She was used to leisurely strolls, not sprinting.
"I caught it!!" Spark shouted, jumping in joy. Wanda panted, finally catching up to him. "You need... To watch... Where--" she was cut off by a violent shaking in her bag. She shuffled around in her bag to find that one of her egg incubators was empty and there was a cute, blue snake like Pokemon was slithering around amongst her Potions and Poke balls, mixed with broken eggshells. "Dratini~" she chirped, cutely.
The blonde turned around to see a girl that was rather short compared to him, with bright purple hair tied up in a ponytail, a red hoodie, and she was holding the Jigglypuff that was the 'rock' that he almost tripped over. "Thanks for making me hatch my egg..." The shorter girl muttered. "But you need to watch where your going, okay?"
The spiky haired guy smirked. "Yeah, sure." He rolled his eyes. "Say, who are you? I'm Spike, from Team Instinct. Level 40."
Wanda internally gasped. "I-I-I'm Wanda... Team Valor. I only made it to..." She looked at her phone, seeing how many EXP points that 10km Egg earned her. "Level 20." Her newly hatched Dratini slithered onto her shoulder.
Spark looked at her, amused. "So we're rivals, then." He felt his phone vibrate, and looked at it. Proffesor Willow apparently wanted him for something. "Well, hopefully fate will put us together again. See ya!" He said, running off in the direction he came.
"Yeah, hopefully." she thought.
Uhhh what do I put here now?
Last edited by Midnightstar16 on 13 Aug 2016, 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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I understand, and I know everyone's playing it. I'd try if I could. Anyway, did you write it for people who were already familiar with these chars and their pokemon? If not, you might need a little description of each, the way you did with Wanda. Also, maybe clarify about Wanda's gym challenges. What doesn't she want to let go of? Maybe it's just the grammar.

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Alright, the rundown of Pokemon Go, is that Professor Willow's (all of the Professors are named after trees for some reason...) three assistants are each the leaders of their own teams (the teams in Pokemon Go aren't bad) Spark runs Team Instinct, Blanche runs Team Mystic, and Candela runs Team Valor. Most people from diffrent Teams hate each other. Wanda is just your typical Team Valor girl. (Like Laura in Pokemon X, I play as her in Pokemon Go.)
As you may have geussed, Pokemon Go dosesnt work like the normal Pokemon games. In the normal games, you just battle, the pokemon earns EXP, and it'll evolve eventually. But in Pokemon Go, you have to catch the same Pokemon over and over again to get Candy, and you pick just one of the Pokemon you caught to evolve. And Gym Chalenges dont work like in the normal games, either. You have to take over as many gyms as you can in the name of what Team your on. Does that make sense? .-.
Uhhh what do I put here now?