Joined: 19 Sep 2016 Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15 Location: United States Arizona
20 Sep 2016, 7:32 pm
Figured this would be a good way to connect with others, I recently rediscovered a way to express myself through artwork, I have always been artistic and enjoy creating through painting, sketching, cooking, poetry and photography. Clay is a new medium for me that I literally started several months ago and I feel like I'm doing well with it. My kids are also working with it and some of their stuff is even posted on the page. Linked below is my page full of art. I am turning 27 on the 22nd and was just recently diagnosed on the 16th (my oldest daughters birthday) I have suspected for about 1 to 2 years now after going into some hardcore research to understand my sons sensory issues and inevitably discovered myself and why I am the way that I am in the process, before that I was just painfully stumbling through life and have completely isolated myself as a safety precaution as I have difficulty recognizing other individuals underlying motives... Well anyway I hope you enjoy my creations and let me know what you think
Welcome to WP jac8905, hope we'll see some of your stuff here soon! I want to restart my painting soon. I am not very good at drawing "from scratch" apart from landscapes, buildings etc. I also like to write.
_________________ Why is a trailer behind a car but ahead of a movie?
Joined: 19 Sep 2016 Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15 Location: United States Arizona
22 Sep 2016, 5:05 pm
I used to be painfully depressed, I ended up getting into college and going to a stress management class that taught different methods of alleviating such feelings, one of the methods employed was mindful self compassion:
It honestly changed my life and I think children growing into adults would fare better in this world with such a skill set if it were to be taught at a school age and incorporated into the education system rather than halfheartedly stumbling on it when frail and broken.
Here's a video that I think explains it well.
I feel that everything is worth learning as any amount of information can be linked to a multitude of other pieces of knowledge, after all if you don't think of life essentially as a plane of existence specifically devoted to learning, what is it for? We all suffer, no one is exempt from this is universal law of reality. If you can make sense/use of the pain then there is only one name for such a place.
I have studied all religions, their core lesson is all essentially the same except for one, that is not a religion at all. Its main teaching is that life is suffering and its lecture a prescription to help lesson such pain.
I apologize if I got a little deep there, I'm not much for small talk, if I must say anything at all, I feel it's best to have some depth to it.
Suffering is a perception based on external stimuli that starts the day we are born.
I believe religion at its core is dogmatic approach to faith (by faith im not referring to an intangible entity). Essentially "do it our way & youll be fine".
Joined: 19 Sep 2016 Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15 Location: United States Arizona
22 Sep 2016, 10:06 pm
But suffering can come from within, can it not? Raised/imprinted (by society/religion if I may among other things) in such a way that acknowledges certain extrinsic stimuli as suffering. In hypothesis, suffering is initially induced by extrinsic factors, yet if one does not acknowledge the stimuli then it cannot become suffering, so ultimately one must take control of ones own mind. A slippery notion. Not something that I can currently do, nor do I know anyone who can... but there are definitely ways of increasing control of the direction of ones thoughts. As I can only minimize the extrinsic factors, not extinguish, I can utilize methods that I mentioned earlier to take care of the rest of the intrinsic factors. The most sound approach that makes any sense... to me anyway...