...OKay , here goeth .
Do you see the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS , in its paper version , ever much ?
I recall that , when I last read it , they had moved the older comic strips to a " Classic Comics " page that ran seperately from the more modern comic strips ~ Frankly , the old comic strips that tend to be liked by older people who write & call to complain when the strip they've been reading since Harry Truman was president got segregated , moved to this " Classic Comics " page !
This was the case when I last saw a daily version of the NYDN on paper ~ in 1997 !
At that time the " Classic " (old fogey
) strips on that seperate page were DICK TRACY , ANNIE , BEETLE BAILEY and one/two?? more .
Making this complicated , this CC page ran , IIRC , in the middle of the regional want ads and news section , which would vary among different boroughs' editions of the NYDN ~ I'd see either the " original " , Manhattan , edition or the Bronx/Westchester County editions , with the want/regional sections varying , or course .
If you get it at home (huhhuhhuh
) I presume , of course , you'd get the Queens NYDN .
(The fact that I'm sure the NYDN's want ad section has vastly migrated to Craigslist , as with all other newspapers , --- does that complicate this question ?)
I have asked this before at comics-oriented sites , but a New Yorker there ~ from Queens ~ said there no such thing in the Daily News ~ Queens edition ~ his family got every day .
I think , howevs
, that he might have mlisinterpreted my question as asking whether the NYDN ran a page of REPRINTED , rerun , old comic strips .
I didn't mean that , and thought that I made it clear then . I just meant that the News had moved the contemporary , as of the 1990s , versions of those strips to a " Classic Comics " page (So as to get them out of the view of younger people , obviously
!) , printing the modern Dick Tracy , Annie , etc. strips there .
Also , BTW , does the News still run the Dick Tracy strip (which is still being produced , with new strips , if you did not know that) ? I had thought IIRC that they had dropped Dick (huhhuh...alright , alright
) sometime during the 00s but had kept Annie until it was discontinued as a new strip a few years back , but , when I) finally saw that " TRAITORS ! " News front page from recently I saw another story on the front page too involving a Dick Tracy illustration .
I can never find the News' front & back pages on their Web site anymore , BTW...Do you how to find them on the Web version ? I used to , occasionally , check their headlines on the Web...Wot' , they do'wanna be " an other pretty front page "(huh hu-Alright
!) on the World Wide Web ? Haaah ?