I do not get structure, planning, if I knew, why write? That form does work for a motor repair manual.
The story is the middle, when I catch and idea I will lose it thinking of a title, so I just start in the middle, and work outward. It is the heart of the action, and I have no way of knowing if it is a short story or full book. Beginnings and endings become apparent when the middle is formed, it had to come from somewhere, and it will narrow to an exiciting finish. The last thing to write is the first few paragraphs, where you capture the reader. And very last, a title.
The first idea becomes several pages of rough uncorrected work, but it captures the essence of the story. I never know if it is a scene, a short story, or the heart of a book, just write it. Good images and dialog will find other uses. A book is a collection of related short stories, chapters, that tell an overall tale.
It all starts as several pages of rough work, no telling where it will lead.
Stories tell themselves, writting is listening, go with what comes, editing can come later, sometimes I am lost for pages and then see where it is heading. Writing is like riding a horse, the rider does have some control, but it is best for both when the horse runs free and the rider blends with the motion.
I have no idea where stories come from. Looking within I cannot explain what I have written. All I can figure is a receptive mind and a keyboard. My opinions change, I say things that I would never, and I see the world, the story, from the views of several very ditterent minds.
Starting is garbage, and it has to be taken out. We were all taught how to write, what a story is, and have lingering and ill formed thoughts. The good part is our storage is small, and ten or twenty pages clears the entire past. Mine was garbage, many others have said the same.
Once the mind is empty, clean new thoughts flow as fast as I can type. I do not think I create, I just read as it comes out. Do not burn the garbage, it does have some insights, bad writing yes, but real feeling. It was long hidden in the mind, now a desk drawer will do.
What sells best is Romance, Harliquin Romances have outsold everything. They are very formula, but it works. It is the easy way to get into print. The reader is seeking great depth of emotion, going from dispair to being overwhelmed by love. It is all feeling and description, with a happy ending.
They have more readers than Harry Potter, always looking for a new story.