You Don’t Have the Right to Be Depressed
You don’t have the right to be depressed because you are not starving or African or black
You aren’t really white either but you are Jewish which is close enough to majority status and your race slaughters those poor Palestinians which makes you even worse than just being white so shame on you for being depressed
You don’t have the right to be depressed because you don’t have cancer or AIDS or any other terminal illness
You have autism but plenty of people have grown out of autism and gone on to lead successful lives so shame on you for being autistic and not being successful which spreads the stereotype that all autistic people are unsuccessful and shame on you for being depressed
You don’t have the right to be depressed because depression doesn’t exist and it’s just your way of trying to get attention and amuse yourself so f**k you and shame on you for being depressed.
I'm Waiting For You, Fry
I’m waiting for you, Fry
Like the lost dog I am
Abandoned and betrayed
After all these years
I’m waiting for you, Fry
Though I forgot your scent
Everything else still lingers
In the cyclone of my mind
I’m waiting for you, Fry
Though you’re never coming back
Though you dropped so many hints
Like “I can’t do this anymore”
I’m waiting for you, Fry
Because “get over it”
And “let it go” and “move on”
Are words I cannot comprehend
I’m waiting for you, Fry
Because once upon a time
You said “I’ll always be there”
And I know you’d never lie
I’m waiting for you, Fry
As you give love to other dogs
As one millennium passes
Sincerely yours, Seymour Asses.