kraftiekortie wrote:
I'm thinking, perhaps, that some people don't like Israel. That's the only thing I can think of when it comes to a "stigma" attached to listening to music in Hebrew.
Just ignore those idiots.
Unfortunately for Israel haters, hating on Israel just made me more interested. It’s my way of being edgy, lol. I’m not cool or edgy enough to be truly edgy, so I just listen to music in Hebrew despite a lot of my peers hating on Israel. What I mean by peers is people who are my age and share a lot of my politics and possibly lifestyle. I think most people who casually meet me and the Israel haters would lump us into the same sort of category or vibe. I honestly don’t have well formed opinions on that topic. Just some possibly unearned affection for Israel. I also briefly got into the rapper Azealia Banks because a bunch of whiny white guys were complaining she was racist against white people! I guess I like artists that have some controversy.
Daniel89 wrote:
I prefer listening to music in other languages specifically I like Finnish, Russian the most but also like Gaulish, Norse, German and Turkish.
I enjoy Finnish music as well.