Hmm, I think Twilightprincess has already covered the gist of what I was going to say.
Personally, fiction was a big part of my childhood, and it's still a good portion of my life now. I enjoy creating illustrations and writing stories. There's something so oddly intriguing about taking in another perspective. I've realised things that I might not have done otherwise.
Fiction provides insight. I am somewhat fascinated by myths. Mainly because they can be so strange. By studying tales of monsters, we can speculate on what people were afraid of. The beliefs, fears and insecurities of a society alongside their misconceptions, biases and so on.
Sometimes there are messages, themes and concepts which I would like to get across. By creating art, I can do so in an entertaining manner. It creates a conversation. There are poems, beautiful designs and other pieces of artwork which leave me in awe. Or even inspire me. I was reading a comic recently, and I kept going back to view the previous pages. The whole comic was so wonderfully illustrated.
My interest in fiction began as a way to escape my reality. To process things which I didn't fully understand yet. I enjoy drawing made-up animals, because it gives me the opportunity to think about how certain traits developed and why. Whereas writing about people and creating a fictional universe has taught me things I'd never given much thought to. Such as, how a flame would move in a certain situation or how a particular tradition came to be. Despite writing about magical worlds where logic mostly flies out the window, I do try to be as accurate as I can, whilst maintaining an artistic license.
Support human artists! Do not let the craft die.
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.