I have inadvertently created a musical monster.
After purchasing an 1885 upright grand piano in 1985 (one hundred years after it was built), I began stumbling into songwriting. Over the course of many years I wrote many tunes. And then in 2015 as my parents' health was failing, I bought an electric piano and submerged myself into more writing as a way of escape. With that writing came an idea for a musical. I have written the tunes for around two dozen songs to be used in this project. A few have words, most do not. The storyline for the musical is in place, but the script needs to be written. Having a full time job, I would normally dismiss such a project, but this thing is a raging fire inside me screaming at me to, "Finish this musical … it has great potential … it is worthy of completion … it will work … please finish it!! !" Amazingly, I have two dozen songs that although written over the past thirty-four years, seem to be bonded in a marriage for this musical. Rather than come up with the story for the musical first and then creating songs, I created the songs first, and then came up with the idea for the musical for which these songs now fit. I am a professional musician. But I am not an arranger. These songs need arranged for the proper instrumentation for the time period of the musical. And there needs to be words for most of them. It is rare that one person write the music, words, and script (book) for a musical. It is almost always an effort of two or three people. I need a team. I have to do this musical. If I don't, I feel like a piece of me will have died. It is one of my missions in life to get this musical produced … if not by a major production team, at least by a more local group. I have to get it completed. But I need help. If only I were to find the right person or two (to work on the material) that believes in this project as much as I do, I know this musical would work and be a success. Almost every night before I go to sleep, I play part of it in my mind. Anyway, I just wanted to share this monster project that has landed in my lap. And now, I want to do whatever I can to satisfy it.
"My journey has just begun."