Any Rush fans here? (the band, not Limbaugh)

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Aug 2009, 9:36 pm

Rush fans, stand up and represent!! !

Snowy Owl
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28 Aug 2009, 9:41 pm

I love Rush, and coincidentally I'm wearing a Rush T-shirt right now. I always get flak from my family for liking them; people also assume I don't because I'm a girl and "girls don't like Rush".

But enough rambling from me, let's get back to the rock :P

Wait, what?


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28 Aug 2009, 10:58 pm

Dude. 2112 - one of the best albums of all time.


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28 Aug 2009, 11:56 pm

Yes :D
Definitely the BAND.
Definitely NOT that Limburger dude.

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29 Aug 2009, 12:51 am

In my, and Willard's, day owning 2112 was virtually a requirement for being a teenager. We may be old, but we had damn good music, (on vinyl, these black round things that went round and round).


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29 Aug 2009, 2:57 am

Somewhat Yeah!
I can't make my mind up of my favourite album but Hemispheres must be getting close, moving Pictures maybe, Ahhh Signals...... no probably Hemispheres I once had two friends who would play Trees together on guitars :)

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Aug 2009, 9:24 am

My stepbrother played 'Tom Sawyer' for me when Moving Pictures came out (I was 8 at the time I think), and the opening was the coolest thing I'd ever heard at the time. Finally got to see them live in '92 (Roll the Bones tour), and was hooked.

Hemispheres, Permanent Waves, and Moving Pictures is the greatest 1-2-3 album punch in history IMHO. I like the newer stuff though as well. Snakes & Arrows is a modern masterpiece IMHO.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Aug 2009, 9:25 am

SingInSilence wrote:
I love Rush, and coincidentally I'm wearing a Rush T-shirt right now. I always get flak from my family for liking them; people also assume I don't because I'm a girl and "girls don't like Rush".

But enough rambling from me, let's get back to the rock :P

So you're not one of the many ladies I've seen at Rush shows with their arms folded staring at their boyfriend/husband geeking out???


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29 Aug 2009, 11:33 am

If I wasn't, would I have made this picture?...;)


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29 Aug 2009, 12:27 pm

SingInSilence wrote:
I love Rush, and coincidentally I'm wearing a Rush T-shirt right now. I always get flak from my family for liking them; people also assume I don't because I'm a girl and "girls don't like Rush".

But enough rambling from me, let's get back to the rock :P

I don't understand how anyone could get flak for liking Rush. I was raised listening to 2112 and Tom Sawyer. I have five older brothers, y'see. I don't consider Rush an acquired taste, or just a band. They are skilled, intelligent musicians whose music (most of it, there's always some filler, that's life) ranks with that of the classical musicians and whose lyrics frequently rise to the level of poetry. They are among my favorite bands, near the top. I say near, because admittedly some of their songs are over my head, some sound like repeats of others, and many I haven't listened to yet. If they have a failing, it is the repeat thing... some whole albums sound alike to me, until I've listened to the whole album through a few times, and I just don't always take the time to get past that. But my husband has a nice collection... maybe I'll pull out a fresh one and get my brain started on some music appreciation.

"Hold Your Fire" is my favorite, followed very closely indeed by "2112" and then "A Farewell to Kings".

It's the lyrics that really get me, though. The idea that someone gave thought to them instead of filling up space with LALALA and other nonsense. I like plenty of songs with stuff like that, but with Rush songs I don't feel like I have to sacrifice any brain cells. Who else could put something like this into a song:

"Living on a lighted stage
Approaches the unreal
For those who think and feel
In touch with some reality
Beyond the gilded cage

Cast in this unlikely role
Ill-equipped to act
With insufficient tact
One must put up barriers
To keep oneself intact."

And pull it off?

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29 Aug 2009, 1:43 pm

Rush is an amazing band. If I lived back in the 70s and 80s, I WOULD have the likes of 2112 and Moving Pictures on Vinyl...Amazing stuff. :wink:


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29 Aug 2009, 9:51 pm

When I first heard Rush (around the age of 13) I obsessed over them for months. It drove people crazy. Peart's lyrics inspired me to write poetry. Definitely one of my all-time favorites.

We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same.
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim.
Let the truth of love be lighted,
Let the love of truth shine clear.
Sensibility, armed with sense and liberty,
With the Heart and Mind united
in a single perfect Sphere.

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29 Aug 2009, 11:13 pm

Rush is amazing, easily the best rock trio out there and one of the most consistently good bands ever. They don't have a single bad album. Sure, they have some weaker albums but everything is good. And being able to put an album as good as Snakes And Arrows so deep into their career is amazing. Rush is simply one of the most talented bands alive, if not the most talented.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Sep 2009, 10:55 am

Nice job on the picture Pakled. Roll the Bones has a special place for me, since that was the first tour I saw them on.

I've been thinking about introducing my 11-yo niece to Rush, since she is really smart and I think would get them. Yesterday I was riding with my sister as we picked my niece up from school. We had to make a quick stop, and while my sister was in the store, 'Limelight' came on the radio. I asked my niece to listen to the song and tell me what she thought of it. When the song ended, she gave it an 8.5 out of 10.

EX-CELLENT!! !! ! Now I'm gonna burn her a compilation CD for her listening pleasure.


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02 Sep 2009, 2:11 pm

Rush is an amazing band. If I lived back in the 70s and 80s, I WOULD have the likes of 2112 and Moving Pictures on Vinyl...Amazing stuff. Wink

I was, and I did...;)

I had an older Rush pic I did, but I can't find it...sigh...;) Well, these things happen. Thanks for the comment.


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04 Sep 2009, 3:38 pm

pakled wrote:
Rush is an amazing band. If I lived back in the 70s and 80s, I WOULD have the likes of 2112 and Moving Pictures on Vinyl...Amazing stuff. Wink

I was, and I did...;)

I had an older Rush pic I did, but I can't find it...sigh...;) Well, these things happen. Thanks for the comment.

Lucky you.

Your welcome. :wink: