Venting slightly here. I'm a musician, but I wonder how many of you who can practise other art forms have similar feelings.
I have some idea of what professional quality looks like when putting something out to an audience. In music, an album should have well-recorded and well-mixed tracks, good artwork, etc, etc. Thing is, I'm stuck with being me. No money, very little gear, no industry connections, no skills (except for actually performing the bloody songs), a brain hampered by industrial-grade execuctive dysfunction, and a tendency to destructive meltdowns triggered by computer issues.
If I waited until it was possible for me to put out an album "properly".... I would never, ever put out an album. So I have to swallow my pride, cut my standards, and put out a dog's breakfast of an album on which the only good thing is, again, the actual bloody songs. At which point, everyone is all "oh, you should have done this, you should have done that." Yes. I know. "Should" does not equal "could."
You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you